Sunday, May 5, 2019

Thankful Sunday, May 5, 2019

Image result for beanie baby stretchI am thankful for another morning 
with Sarah.

Today, I spent another morning with my special buddy, Sarah. There was a lot of rain but that did not stop her from bringing her traveling menagerie of stuffed animals. Today she brought birds-3 mallard ducks, 3 Canadian geese, a robin, and way in the bottom of the bag was an ostrich, Stretch. Apparently, Stretch had been misbehaving because when Sarah was putting her birds away before we went for a walk, she said that Stretch had to stay out because he had been biting the other birds. And in the same breath she wanted to make sure I knew that Stretch was an ostrich and not an emu. I asked how she knew and she said that ostriches have two toes and emus have three toes. She showed me Stretch's toes and then showed me with her fingers how each bird walks. Another Live and Learn moment for me because I didn't know that. I always learn something from my time with Sarah and for that I am thankful.


  1. I love your Sarah stories. The one about Stretch being naughty made me smile. My daughter has approximately 1 bazillion stuffed animals, and they all have personalities, so I could relate! (Yes, we are quirky in my neck of the woods). Do you schedule visits with Sarah? I'm so glad you two can continue your friendship. And no, I also had no idea about ostriches and emus having different numbers of toes.

    1. I don't know how many stuffed animals Sarah has, but it is a lot. They are all well loved and indeed have personalities. I still see Sarah mainly as a buddy during Sunday School every few weeks. When they are with her during Sunday School, they often do the motions and dance to the songs. Does your daughter show any signs of wanting to downsize her collection of stuffed animals?

    2. No way! They'll probably get their own room in her house when she's an adult.

    3. And you will probably share a room with them when you visit. :)

  2. I love the story of the misbehaving ostrich, and thanks to you and Sarah I learned about the toes!

    1. I guess the reputation that ostriches have of being mean is true if Stretch is any example. :)

  3. I bet Stretch was sorry for biting the other birds, especially after being punished for it! I learned something new, too, about the toes! I'm glad that you get to visit with Sarah and learn these things which you then share with us!

    1. Stretch did seem to be better as the morning went on.


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