Tuesday, May 7, 2019

More Spring Colors

Here's what I found this week taking a Second Look around the yard.

The azaleas are blooming now.

Beside the white bush is a pink one.

And dark pink ones are around the other side of the house.

In front of the dark pink azalea bushes, the pansies that I planted last fall are starting to bloom. I like pansies because I can get two seasons of blooms out of them.

While weeding in the pansies, I found this young tree curving around the seed pod that was still attached. It's kind of hard to sort out the picture to see it (follow the brown stem), but it was fun to see in person. I love to find remnants of seeds above the ground. You may remember more than one picture here on the blog showing that. :)

When I went behind the bushes to continue weeding, I flushed out a robin that was sitting on this nest. You might say that we flushed out each other because I jumped out of the bushes as the robin flying past startled me. 

And speaking of nests, the bluebird's nest now has six eggs in it.

The first iris has bloomed. I was happy to see this one because it was from a plant I transplanted last fall.

Tucked in a dark corner along the fence, I found lily of the valley blooming. These were from a friend who helped me plant them when I first moved in. I am trying to create more of these surprise, "hidden" treasures here and there like these lily of the valley. While I enjoy the showy beds, I especially enjoy having things tucked here and there to find. I am working on creating more of these finds by planting things in out of the way places. 

And the rhododendron is blooming. I planted this bush last fall in memory of my mother. I picked a rhododendron because it is the state flower of West Virginia and blooms in her favorite color.


  1. Your azaleas and rhodies are soooo gorgeous. I also love lily of the valley--such a small, sweet flower (although I think they can overtake your yard if you don't watch out). Thanks for the peeks at spring in your area.

    1. Now where did my comment go that I answered you. Anyway, the azaleas and rhodo are beautiful. Some of them need moved because they are too close to the house. However, they bloom so well, I kind of hate chancing the move.

  2. I bet it smells heavenly too

    1. We're still having good smells from the lilacs. The other's aren't quite as aromatic.

  3. Your garden looks so lovely with all the spring color and hidden surprises! The azaleas and rhododendron are stunning! The lily of the valley is so delicate and pretty, too. I enjoyed seeing your garden. :)

    1. I enjoy seeing pictures of your garden, also. Especially because I get to see some plants that don't grow around here.

  4. I love your nest photos. And the flowers!

    1. I hope we get some successful bluebirds this year. For the last couple of years there have been fights in the nest and the bluebirds have never won. That's surprising to me because I watched bluebirds at our other house and they can be quite aggressive.


What do you think?