We're still working fast and furious here trying to get to the point where we can live and own only one house. In fact, I've started this post several different times, only to be interrupted by some kind of house issue. This morning it was figuring out when the tile shop is open so we could do some shopping after work.
We took a drive around the neighborhood one day
and found these roosting vultures. |
Since we're looking for tile, you might have guessed that the contractor has begun work in the new house. The master bath has been gutted and is being rebuilt. Which means, lots of decisions to be made. I don't know how there can be so many choices for things and yet none of them seem to work for what we need/want. But nevertheless, we are finding things.
We have also decided to pull up all of the carpet that is there and replace it with hardwoods to match the family room and dining room where they already are. The carpet just didn't clean up like we had hoped. So we can't move in anything upstairs until all of that work is done.
However, we have done some moving into the basement. Meaning Theo has moved in. The basement has some finished space and some unfinished space that will make a great workshop for him, so we invited him to join us. He is out of his apartment and settling in. Sort of. The construction is causing enough dust and chaos, that he can't do much yet.
Back at this house we continue to purge things and pack a few. However, there is a long way to go before this house is ready to put on the market. We just don't seem to have any blocks of time where we can work on things here. And as the year moves on and we move into the time when the housing market it dead, I get more and more antsy.
So I'm still kind of going crazy and I feel like there is no rest for the weary. However, I know these are good problems to have and I am grateful that I'm dealing with them and not some other issues that have needed attention in the past.