Sunday, July 19, 2015

Thankful Sunday--July 19, 2015

I am thankful for:
Fresh berries 
Sweet corn on the cob
Grilled squash
Tender green beans
Crisp lettuce
Marinated cucumbers
and especially Tomatoes right off the vine.

In other words, I am thankful for summer harvest time.


  1. Your produce is farther along than ours. Fresh summer fruits and veggies are the best! We are eating up sweet cherries and I anticipate we will get blueberries this week.

    1. Latitude makes a big difference and you are a lot north of us. My father-in-law lives just an hour south of us and we consider him in the same area, but his plants are always a week to two weeks ahead of ours.

    2. This may not factor in where most people live, but altitude makes a huge difference too. One of our regular bike rides takes us up about 700 feet in elevation and I'm always amazed - it's like the seasons are delayed by 3-4 weeks sometimes, and it's only a few miles from my house!

    3. I guess any difference that makes things colder has an effect.

  2. Nothing is as good as fresh from the garden goodies. Enjoy!

    1. I agree. Nothing is as good as fresh from the garden goodies. :)

  3. Replies
    1. I think I was hungry when I wrote it and I knew some of what was in the fridge to eat. ;)

  4. Ooooo... add my name to the jealous list! I've harvested 4 cherry tomatoes so far, and that's about it. But there are a few small zucchinis set on, as well as a bell pepper or two, and lots of green tomatoes waiting for the temperature to get hot enough to ripen. The raspberries have set on some fruit, which is amazing since the crazy weather killed them back to the ground this winter. And if the zillions of tiny cucumbers that are set on the vine ever turn into real fruit, I'm gonna have a bumper crop like never before! Knock on wood... :-)

    1. So are you reading up on cucumber recipes while you are waiting?

  5. We are still a couple of weeks away from vine-ripe tomatoes, here. I'm envious of yours! The produce in summer is so fantastic. I could eat nothing but fruits and vegetables all day.

    1. The first ones seem to taste the best. Hope you'll be having your first one soon.

  6. You just made me so hungry and nothing in my kitchen currently looks as good as your food.. :-)

    1. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing better than a fresh tomato off the vine.


What do you think?