Thursday, July 16, 2015

A Second Look-Part 2, July 16, 2015

For yesterday's Second Look post, I showed you several pictures of baby wrens. Today I'm going to show you a few more pictures of things that have a bit more color to them. Because despite my focus on the birds, I did see a few other things around the yard besides wrens.

Here are a few more things I saw this week during a Second Look.

Day lily

Young milkweed beetle

Fritillary butterfly

Cone flower. This is a volunteer under the bird feeder. Finches especially like their seeds.

Silver-spotted skipper butterfly. The injured wing didn't seem to be affecting its movement.

Tiger lily. The other morning was the first time I noticed that the tiger lily leaves start out straight before they curl all the way back. These observations always make me wonder. After all the tiger lilies I've seen, why is it I've never noticed this before.  It also makes me happy that there is still so much to see even in the common, everyday things.



  1. I don't think I've seen the butterflies that you have in your pictures--or I've never noticed them before!

    What flower is the bumblebee on?

    1. The flower the bumblebee is on is a marigold. I tried to get single blooms this year because the bees and butterflies are supposed to like them better. However, I don't think the the gold ones I got are as advertised because their blooms look too frilly to be single bloom.

  2. Your photos are always just beautiful and the one with the butterfly is gorgeous! I am still trying and still failing to capture the dragonfly picture. They are just about gone now so I may have to wait until next June. Oh well.

    1. When dragonfly season is over, what are you going to capture with a photo next? I always have something interesting that I'm seeing that I can't seem to get a picture of. I may just publish a post with several "blank" pictures of the things that always seems to get away.

  3. Right now its dragonfly thousands of photo ops me zero shots. I was also going to try and catch some nice shots of Mayflies at the lake, but they have been in short supply this year. Last summer there were millions and we were removing Mayfly carcasses from every surface outdoors until September. Maybe I can catch an action shot of the Palmetto bugs (ever so lovely name for gigantic outdoor cockroaches.

    1. Ah, I remember Palmetto bugs well from when we lived in New Orleans. We lived in an old house and plenty of them came inside. I have stories to tell about how indestructible they can be.


What do you think?