Monday, May 13, 2013

Boys vs. Girls--Future Plans

Before I had kids, I thought that each child was an individual, and didn't believe much in gender stereotypes in children. Little boys ran and jumped a lot because that's the kind of games they were taught. Little girls played with dolls because that was the kind of toys they were given. I thought that if all kids, regardless of gender, were exposed to the same things, they would have the same tendencies. Then I spent some time in the real world of kids and figured out that I was wrong. Possibly there were some differences between boys and girls. From time to time, I'm going to share some of my experiences that led me to this conclusion. However, so as to not bias you, I'm going to let you guess, who are the boys in the stories and who are the girls.Today's StoryTheo was playing Nintendo with his best friend from kindergarten, Julia. Here is the conversation Julia's mother and I overheard."You know that some day we are going to get married and we'll play this game with our little  boy or girl.""We can't play this game with our kids.""Why not?""It only has two controllers."
You decide: Which was Theo and which was Julia?_____________________________________________________________________________In case you're wondering--Julia had future plans for marriage, and Theo had future plans for the video game. (Is anyone else having problems with Blogger's formatting? It's driving me crazy. This post was going to look a lot different, but I can't seem to make it happen.)     


  1. That's too cute. Little girls begin thinking about marriage early, don't they?

    1. When we heard this conversation, it made us smile. Kids say the darnedest things.

  2. I really like these posts - I never really realised little girls and little boys were to different.

    1. Having grown up with all sisters, I didn't realize the differences so much until I started observing my own kids.


What do you think?