Friday, April 27, 2012

Food Waste Friday--April 27, 2012

It's time for Food Waste Friday, when the Frugalgirl encourages us to post pictures from the previous week of wasted food from our household. This accountability hopefully will help us to be more careful with our food and maybe save some money. 

Here it goes for this week.

We're on a roll with no waste again this week. However, I did have pause to think about the whole process. Here's what happened.
I was on my way home from work and I was hungry and thirsty. That found me driving through Burger King where it was cheaper to get a small value meal that included fries than it was to buy the drink and burger separately. So that's what I did. The burger and tea hit the spot and I only ate a couple of fries. I was going to throw the rest of them away, but I didn't want to have any waste for Food Waste Friday. So I heated them up in the toaster oven, and we had the rest for dinner. But did we really need them? No.
In the grand scheme of things, all is okay with this scenario. It's okay to eat fast food every once in a while even though it may not be the best nutritionally. It's okay that I served my leftover fries to my family. However, philosophically, I wonder about serving the fries again just to have no waste. That seems as if that was carrying things a little too far.  

Do you ever do things like I did just to have no waste?


  1. Your post made me smile. Found you through the My DAUGHTER did something similar when I let her buy school lunch. She usually brings a bagged lunch, but I threw caution to the wind the other day. She brought home chicken nuggets and asked that I reheat them. Although I'm a bit concerned that the cafeteria staff will think she's underfed at home, I'm proud that she didn't want to toss the food.

    1. And you should be proud that she figured out to get them home in good enough shape to eat.

  2. Well done on no waste. If you hadn't eaten the fries it wouldn't have been that much waste. But since you said you guys only occasionally eat fast food I think that the fries were just a rare treat and you shouldn't feel too bad about using them up. :-)


What do you think?