Friday, February 17, 2012

Food Waste Friday--February 17, 2012

It's time for Food Waste Friday, when the Frugalgirl encourages us to post pictures from the previous week of wasted food from our household. This accountability hopefully will help us to be more careful with our food and maybe save some money. 

Here it goes for this week.
This was the week for green waste. First there was the green jello that I made for Ward when he needed something mild to eat. He swore that he was going to eat the rest of it, but it has been in the fridge for almost two weeks. I think it's time to go. Next there's the green Shamrock Shake from McDonalds that Theodore purchased. Apparently, the mint flavor was too strong for him so he'd didn't finish it. Also there's the green vase with flowers in it. Oh, wait. That's not waste.* I just think they're pretty. I prefer to have no waste, but at least this week, we're not wasting anything that is really good for you.

* I guess there's a whole discussion to be had about cut flowers and waste since they will eventually be thrown away, composted or whatever. I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I need to learn to relax and just enjoy something without thinking too much about it. I try to do this with cut flowers. I am especially enjoying this bunch because the cats are leaving them alone. Usually they chew them with several messy results.



  1. Not a bad week! I was just thinking that if I started to count all the wasted food that kids leave on their plates, my number would probably double! By the way, how can follow you? I read your blog every week!!

    1. I just added a gadget that you can use to follow the blog by email. You will get an email every time there is a new post. And by the way, I have been reading your blog also and I don't see any language problems. Did you study English before moving here?

  2. My cats and I enjoy fresh flowers too! Do you compost?

  3. I have a cat that will eat any green thing in the house- I can't have house plants, otherwise he'd eat them up!

    You didn't have so much food waste this week, either! Good job! :)

    1. We can't have any house plants either. They will eat any plant around, then throw up. What fun. One time when I was trying to start seedlings, I had the plants behind plastic with holes in it (compost bin material) and the cats worked with their paws until they could get at the plants, and then they ate them.

    2. I used to be a serious composter measuring the temperature of the pile, turning regularly, etc. However, since the deer eat everything we try to grow(sort of like the cats inside), I don't have much enthusiasm for it these days. It's hit or miss depending on my mood.

  4. You did great. This isn't "real" food waste :) All that green is pretty :)
    My Cat loves to chew up plants too. Maybe it's a cat thing.


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