Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thankful Sunday--November 27, 2016

I don't have a picture of Beth.
Instead, here's a picture of a few leaves still hanging on.

I am thankful for Beth.

I spent the morning at church with my special buddy, Sarah. We met in the youth chapel and had breakfast before singing with the praise band (kids playing guitars, drum, piano, etc.). The songs were contemporary and fun to sing. Sarah loves music and she usually has one of the stuffed animals she brings do motions to the songs. We both have fun with this. This morning while she spun her stuffed dog, Riley, I danced with Beanie Baby ostrich, Stretch.

While all of this was enjoyable, that was not the best part for me. It was watching Sarah's friend,
Beth sign the songs. Beth is a young adult with Down's Syndrome who goes to the front and "sings" each song with sign language. She is very expressive and is beautiful to watch. She truly moves me each time I see her. For Beth and this special gift she shares, I am thankful.


  1. Replies
    1. Beth is a very capable, talented young adult and I'm glad she has found this way of contributing to the morning. It enriches it for everyone. Sometimes, the other kids sign part of the songs with her.

  2. Thank you for introducing your friends to us (I followed the link and read about Sarah, too) and sharing their gifts with us. It was a pleasure to meet them.

    1. Sarah has been my special buddy for several years now and she teaches me a lot of things the most important of which is how to be in the moment and enjoy life.

  3. Oh, I forgot that you will be leaving Sarah. I'm sure you, Sarah, and Beth had a great time. I hope you can keep up with the girls after you move.

    1. I will continue to see Sarah and Beth because I see them at church which we are not changing. Who I'm really going to miss is the girl next door. Besides enjoying her visits, I feel like she needs someone outside of her family to talk to and expand her world. I've said good bye to her after which I cried a lot. However, I've been back to the old house most days and she still comes over. I'm not sure if she understands what it means that I've moved if she still sees me every day. I'm not exactly sending clear signals.

    2. I'm sure it must be confusing for her. Do you live close enough to occasionally visit her?

    3. Yes, I do. However, visiting her at her house will be an entirely different experience. There are several factors involved, but let'just say a visit to her at her house would be difficult. But we'll see.


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