Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thankful Sunday--September 28, 2015

I am thankful for simple fun.

I have a set of friends I get together with every month or so. The gatherings are simple with food from everyone and a lot of silly talking and laughing. Sometimes we play a game, sometimes we do a craft, and this time we sang and colored. Singing was not organized--just spontaneous singing of whatever golden oldie popped into someone's head. The coloring was also fun for everyone as they remembered another part of their past. For good friends and simple fun, I am thankful.


  1. Ooh, I know every word to every song in many different musicals (and I sing them a lot, much to my children's embarrassment) ... I bet I would have fun with your group of friends. :)

    1. Just about every phrase reminds me of a song, so it's hard sometimes for me to not break out in songs at inappropriate times. As you can imagine, these spontaneous "outbursts" were a lot of fun.

      I think you would fit right in with this group of friends. Maybe some day you can meet them. :)

    2. That would be fun! My best friend and I think life is best lived as a musical ... sadly, she lives in Florida now so I no longer have my spontaneous singing buddy living close.

    3. I'm another inappropriate-moment singer. It doesn't seem to be something I can control, a good share of the time -- the songs just come out! LOL!

      I love the idea of coloring with friends. I've seen some lovely adult coloring books at Michael's. It reminds me of sitting at the table with my older sister and sharing a 64-pack of crayons, as kids.

    4. I know what you mean. The songs just come out.

      Even the people who said that they didn't want to color had fun doing it. We had some adult coloring books as well as some kid ones from the dollar store. Something for everyone.

  2. Sounds like great fun! I am thankful for sleeping many many hours last night. Am recharged!

    1. I am always thankful when I have a good nights sleep. They are wonderful. I'm glad you had one last night. You needed it.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time. I am one of those not great singers who sings anyway because music is part of the fabric that makes me, me. And who can say no to a coloring book?

    1. It turns out that there are a lot of us who sing in more places than in the shower. :)

  4. What absolute fun. See we don't need little ones around to feel free to color. :-)

    1. What was fun for me was to watch the couple of people who didn't think coloring would be fun really enjoy themselves.


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