Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bird ID correction

or How to Avoid Work

Do you have a favorite way to avoid chores that you don't want to do? I do. I work on my blog. I think about post ideas. I mess with the margins. I take pictures. I write stories. I read other blogs. Anything to avoid the task at hand. And to make it even harder to do what I need to, I usually have a purring cat on my lap when I'm at the computer. (Can you hear Annie purring now?)

I have several things that should be attended to, especially with Christmas approaching, so today was going to be a no blog day. A day when I focused on what really needed to be done. Wally even suggested that we turn off the internet. He thought it would be more conducive for both of us to accomplish what we needed. He's studying for a test and I am cleaning the guest room.

But then it happened, Aunt Martha, my personal bird expert, told me that the birds I identified as juncos in the last Second Look, are really brown-headed cowbirds. I couldn't let that go by. I had to correct it. I had to do a post today. So here it is.

These birds identified as juncos in A Second Look--December 5, 2012 are really brown-headed cowbirds. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Brown-headed cowbirds

 Until tomorrow- unless I get tired of cleaning the guest room.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is definitely one thing that distracts me from doing my chores :)


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