Friday, September 28, 2012

Food Waste Friday and True Food Confessions--Sept. 28, 2012

It's time for Food Waste Friday, when the Frugalgirl encourages us to post pictures from the previous week of wasted food from our household. This accountability hopefully will help us to be more careful with our food and maybe save some money.

Also, I am using this public forum to encourage us to eat out less which includes better meal planning. You can follow how we are doing in this endeavor by reading True Food Confessions.

 This Week's Food Waste

Have I mentioned that I am letting several end of the season tomatoes ripen on my counter? It seems as if one of them goes bad every week before I get to it. This week was no exception. We'll see if I can use up the remaining ones next week without letting another one slip by. Also, I cooked most of a bunch of old celery. However, some parts were starting to rot and had to go. The rest I was able to save for a Shepard's Pie.

This Week's True Food Confessions

Spaghetti with roasted tomatoes, ham, feta cheese, basil, and parsley

It took all week to make this spaghetti.

Day one--Went to Ocktoberfest Cookout and brought home extra cherry tomatoes.
Day two--Discovered tomatoes were getting old and needed to be cooked soon.
Day three--found a good recipe for spaghetti with roasted cherry tomatoes and the feta cheese we had in the fridge.
Day four--Meant to stop by the store and pick up basil and parsley needed for the dish, but got distracted by migraine. Had leftovers instead.
Day five--Determined to have dish for supper. Roasted tomatoes and cut up ham before I went to work. Got distracted by migraine again and another appointment after work. Didn't make it to the store, so picked up Subway sandwiches on the way home. In the meantime, Wally picked up pizza. Had a nice selection of foods for supper, breakfast and lunch the next day.
Day six--Actually made it to the store for the herbs and made the dish. Yea! Thank goodness, it was quite good after all of the anticipation.  
Day seven--On the 7th day we rested and used a gift card to go to a barbeque restaurant.

Hope springs eternal for a better week next week.


  1. I think you're being a bit hard on yourself, I wouldn't have counted the celery since you used most of it.

    We often have meals that keep getting put off and put off, homemade pizza has been one recently. I'm always a bit to ambitious and under-estimate the number of nights I get home and am tired and want something quick to eat.

    1. I included the celery because I was tired of just showing rotten tomatoes.

  2. You had a hard week (with the days with migraines and all), so I think considering, you did very well. I think you used your restaurant gift card in the best possible way, when you needed a break after a rough week.

    1. Unfortunately, I have migraines about half of the time. I can somewhat control them, but they do take their toll. I just have to keep moving or nothing would ever happen.

      Also, we have several gift cards that we're making an effort to use. No sense of them just sitting in our gift card box.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, it was. It was a new restaurant and we enjoyed it. We will be going back again even if we don't have a gift card.

  4. Hmm...I keep our tomatoes on the counter too but in a bowl. They seem to be OK so far. I wonder why yours are going bad. They do ripen pretty quick on the counter.

    1. I think part of the problem was that some the green ones came with small blemishes so they were ready to go anyway.


What do you think?