Friday, March 21, 2025

Exercise this week, 3-14-25

 Since retirement and more free time, I am focusing on getting more exercise. I give weekly updates here to make myself accountable and see my progress. 

This week, appointments and a migraine kept me from the gym more than I wanted. I tried to do something at home on those days (except the migraine day), but true to form, I don't push myself as hard as I do in a class. So, the classes are still an important part of the equation for me to achieve better fitness. 

I'm still pleased with my effort and am starting to notice that I feel better on the days when I go to a class. It's not dramatic, but it's there

Friday, March 14: 

Line Dancing. We went to a line dance at a local country club. We were not members, but the teacher of our Tuesday morning classes was hosting an event there, and the club let her invite some outside people. We were there for 3 hours, and I'd say that I was dancing about half of them. The dances definitely got my heart rate up, but it was an easy evening. And more importantly, a fun one. 

Saturday, March 15: Free Day

Sunday, March 16: 

Free dayI had intended to go to a LIIT class today, but I woke up with a migraine, so it was a no-go.

Monday, March 17: 

Strong and Balanced. This class involved weights and a step. While I got a good workout, the class was not too intense. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, at the end, we did relay races like we were back in grade school. Everyone had a good time, especially since we got chocolate at the end.

Ballroom Dance. Ward and I went to our regular Monday night ballroom dance class. We reviewed the waltz and tango steps we've been working on and started learning new steps for the samba. I had to demonstrate it with the teacher. It didn't go well, but I got good encouragement from my classmates. During this class, I got a gentle aerobic workout, and I won't mention the ice cream Ward and I get every Monday night after class. :)

Tuesday, March 18: 

Line Dancing. This is my favorite class of the week. The class was fun, and I definitely got a good workout. 

Gardening. I spent an hour in a flower bed digging and pulling weeds. I got some good stretching and strengthening for my hands and arms.

Wednesday, March 19:

Free Day. The day was full of various commitments, so no formal exercise was done today. However, I did do a little yard work.

Thursday, March 20:

Free Day. Another day, when appointments conflicted with classes, I was interested in at the gym. However, I did raise my heart rate by practicing dancing with Ward and cleaning another flower bed.

 Until next time...


  1. I'm sorry you had to deal with a migraine, but you were back in the gym and dancing, too, the next day. Gardening is also good exercise and practicing dancing with Ward sounds like fun. :)

    1. I'm lucky that my migraines respond well to medicine and usually don't last more than a day if I treat them. Gardening has the added benefit of being outside besides the exercise it provides.

  2. I hate to hear you had a migraine, but you have certainly been doing a great job with all of these classes and activities! I love line dancing, too! It’s so fun! I think rewarding yourself with a little ice cream never hurts! Haha! 🍦

    1. Luckily, I have fewer migraines than I used to.
      Yep, a little ice cream never hurts anything in my book. :)

  3. Oh no, a migraine. I used to have them, but not since I retired, thank goodness. So sorry you had one.
    You are certain getting in a lot of exercise! I feel like a slug after reading this.

    1. You always seem so busy, that I feel like a slug sometimes after reading about your days. :)

  4. What flavor of ice cream did you get?

    Smart move, to back off on exercise when you aren't feeling well. Gardening is good exercise, too, and uses different muscles.


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