Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Gotta Keep Moving Musings

In my last post, I discussed the exercise classes I have been taking to achieve one of my retirement goals. If I do say so myself, I am proud of my efforts. But it's not all peaches and cream. 

Here are some random thoughts about my new experiences.

--Tai Chi is a very gentle class with many slow motions. However, my shoulders are getting tired even in there. The class uses no weights, but my shoulders get fatigued from holding my arms up a lot. It seems a little embarrassing to say that just 30 minutes of Tai Chi gives me a workout, but it does

--Speaking of shoulders, how can my right shoulder make so many cracks and pops with just one shoulder roll?

--Sometimes, like last Monday night, I just want the ballroom dance class to be over. Several people were absent, so I got individual attention from the instructor, but I still wasn't getting it. I found it uncomfortable and couldn't wait for the class to end. I learn academic things well, but not things that require coordination. There seems to be some nerve that is not completely connected from my brain to my legs. But I will keep going because I can only get better, right?

--I'm not sure that I have a clear image of what my body looks like. I've been getting more chances to see it because most of the classes have mirrors across the front. When I look in the mirror at home, I think I look rather squat with short legs. However, I think I look tall and thin in some of the classes. Others, not so much. (For the record, the charts put me at average height, weight, and BMI.) I think the class makeup is part of the reason for the different perceptions. The less intense classes have larger people in them. The more intense classes have, the more fit and thinner people in them.

--My perceptions of my feet have the same discordance as my body images. They don't look so big when I look down at them. But they look like big boats when I see them moving in the mirror. :)

--I have been very enthusiastic about getting focused and regular exercise for almost three weeks now, but today, I was wavering. I started telling myself excuses for why I didn't need to go to Tai Chi, but I went.

--I am shy in new situations, but I am starting to chat a bit with others in class. Maybe slowly but surely, I will make some new friends -especially since I don't have regular contact with my work friends anymore. 

--I wish I had the discipline to do regular, comprehensive exercise at home, but in the past, that eluded me. So, the gym and outside classes seem to be the best things for me now. 

I think maybe I'll give weekly reports here to keep myself honest.

So, until next time...


  1. Such an honest post. I love that you are doing all these things. I have been doing chair yoga since the end of January and really like it. Some days I do 2 or 3 sessions, some says I don't do any, but I can feel the difference. I still do my therapy stuff for my knee most days too. I am about 30 pounds overweight, but it doesn't shift easily! Still, I stay pretty active.
    Friends after retirement can be hard. I wasn't really close with people I worked with, and living 50 miles from work kept those relationships from continuing anyway. But I have made a few friends locally, and with a few vendors and people into antiques. Honestly though I have little time or inclination to hang out with people too much, probably because that has never really been part of my life.

    1. Running a farm and two business leaves you little time to socialize. I worked with some of my coworkers for over a decade and got to know them well. I miss them, but realize that I'm in a transition period now and things will fall into place.

  2. One of the things I like about you is that you keep it real. Sometimes enjoying an experience and at other times wanting it to be done? I can so relate. Body perception possibly not being realistic? Yup, been there. Cut yourself some slack. You have made a major life change and are in the process of finding your rhythm (at times, literally!). You are to be commended for all that you are doing.

    As far as the tai chi exercises being tiring, if your arms are above heart level, your heart is working harder. That's why your heart rate increases if you add arm activity to a lower body workout. All to say, your experience is normal.

    1. Thanks, Kris. I am constantly fighting perfectionism which doesn't always make things easy. However, I am happy to say that stamina-wise, I had no problems in Tai Chi. Muscle-wise is another story. In the Zumba classes, I often don't do the arm movements because just doing the feet winds me. Eventually, I hope I can do both and really move my whole body to the music.

  3. Tai Chi is definitely a work out! Yes, one does want to give up after the first few weeks, but, keep pushing through that and you will find yourself looking forward to the classes, every week.

    1. My husband loves the various classes he takes at the gym, sometimes taking 2 in a row. I'm not sure that I will ever get to his level of enthusiasm, but they will become more fun as I learn more. And even if they don't, the good they do me should be motivation enough.

  4. I don't like to group exercise, never have. I never look at myself in the mirror, which is very bad, because I often forget to comb my hair. I probably not recognize myself in a police line up. I think you're brave to get out there and do all those classes. Dancers amaze me at how they can move their feet and legs in such complicated steps. My feet and legs seems so much farther away than say my arms and hands. I think it might be easier to dance my arms and hands in other words.

    1. Well, let's hope you never get in police line-up and have to identify yourself. :) Speaking of an arm and hand workout, I love to watch sign language interpreters. I used simple sign language in my storytimes which was fun.


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