Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'm Impressed

 I was chatting with a woman at the library yesterday who was lamenting that that library would be closed for two years for renovation. This is a common conversation these days because the doors will close next week for this work. As we discussed alternatives, she revealed that she read 342 books last year!! She does this mostly by listening to audiobooks as she works as a house cleaner. She often plays them at 2x the speed unless she really likes the narrator, then she does normal speed. And for some authors, she likes to read the words in paper book form. No matter how she does it, I was impressed! I'm not sure I have the attention span to devour that many books in that amount of time. And something tells me she may not spend as much time playing computer games as I do. 😀

When the library doors close next week, that will be my final day before I retire. I've shed a few tears when I think about leaving, but that's a good thing--to be leaving a job I like enough that I am sad about leaving. 

But as I said in my high school graduation speech, "All old things must end, so new things can begin." (Which, BTW, my mother was heavily involved in helping me write. One of her many talents.)

Until next time...


  1. Congratulations on your hard earned retirement! My local branch IS closed for about 6 months - our libraries are so important, two years would really break my heart too.

    1. Thanks, JiCaLu. The library closing is going to be hard on everyone, but especially the senior citizens that come in. We're in the same building as the Senior Center, and they can get a devoted bus to take them to there. However, bus service is not available to other libraries and many of them do not drive. Also, many in that population are not comfortable with e-resources. However, everyone will survive and will hopefully appreciate the new facilities.

  2. I knew you said you were going to be retire soon but I did not realize it ws this soon. Congratulations!
    I love getting books through our county library app. In fact I use it for magazines and movie streaming also.
    Maybe you could volunteer to teach some of the SRs. about the wealth of library e-resources, and how to utilize them.

    1. There are so many resources at libraries. I was just using Consumer Reports today, and my husband is using Mango from the library to learn Polish. I occasionally read e-books, but don't take any devices into my bedroom, so I prefer paper. I know our library system has several classes and one-on-one help available to learn computer/phone things. After I get my bearings, I may check out what I can offer in the county we live in. So many possibilities to come. :)

  3. Oh my. 2 years! So many people are sure to be impacted. When the library I worked at closed for renovations, they opened a small branch in a local mall. I thought that was amazing.
    I hope you will find retirement as fulfilling as your library work. I am sure that with your many interests, you will be busier than ever.
    And no, there is no way I could go through that many books in a year! Although at one time I did ready a book a day. Well, actually a couple times in my life I did that. Now I tend to read more slowly, savoring the words if the writer is good.

    1. Years ago, when they were redoing another library I worked weekends in a temporary library that was in the mall. Now, they are trying to work out some things such as book clubs and storytimes for our area, but there's a lot involved because of liabilities. You know the lawyers always have to have their say.
      Reading good writing is a wonderful thing.

  4. Speed listening to audio books as opposed to speed reading? That's something new to me! I prefer to read than to listen to books, but, I am not sure I could read that many books a year!
    I think you chose a good time to retire with the library being closed for 2 years, anyway. I'm sure that you are going to love being retired. :)

    1. I occasionally listen to books and a good narrator can make the characters come alive, but I still mostly read books. I think I will like being retired. Ward certainly does.

  5. A new chapter begins, in your book of life.

  6. 342 is beyond impressive! I like listening to books while traveling, helps pass the hours on the road. I am sure it works much the same when listening while cleaning.

    1. We're not on the road as much as you are, but we listen books while traveling, too. It does help pass the time, for sure.


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