Saturday, October 5, 2024

WV Vacation, Day 4 - A Railroad Town and Rushing Waters.

 Ward, Wally, Theo, and I are vacationing for a week in southern West Virginia.

In case your interested, here's what we've done so far. Day OneDay Two, Day Three

Our trip so far has been a good one as we enjoy the good weather and beautiful scenery along with some historical places. Today was no exception. I'll see what I can do to tell you about it, but golly, these blog posts are difficult to write - at least with the lack of motivation and energy I have at the end of the day. 

But if I don't, I think I will forget much of what we did. At dinner tonight, I had already forgotten what we had done that morning. (BTW, the carnivores of the family were very happy with dinner because we went to the Texas Roadhouse Steak House. I had a baked potato.) 

I have a feeling when I get home with my familiar devices, these vacation posts will get some editing. Until then, I'm going to give today, Saturday, a go. It's going to be one of my stream of consciousness posts.

The bridge over the New River into Thurmond. It has both train tracks and one lane for cars to cross. There was a 5K race going on, so everyone had to do some careful maneuvering to stay out of each others way.

We spent the morning in the town of Thurmond. Thurmond is an incorporated town in Fayette County, WV. Current population is 3, with the county government consisting of 1 mayor and 2 city councilmen. 


Because the buildings were so close to the tracks and we weren't allowed on them, I didn't get any further away perspectives on the old buildings.

At one time the town was thriving as a railroad town for the coal that was being mined in the area and shipped around the country. Coal fired engines were also refueled and serviced there.  It was so much of a railroad town that it didn't have a main street. The 2 hotels, bank, train depot, etc., were right along the railroad tracks. It was said that skilled visitors at the hotel could spit tobacco onto a passing train from the balcony. They were that close to the tracks. All of that part of town is abandoned now along with most of the houses that were built on the hill above the tracks. 

After walking down the commercial district along the RR tracks, we climbed the hill to see other houses in the town. Most of them were abandoned and nature was trying to reclaim them. However, we did see a couple of houses where people lived currently.

Thurmond became a ghost town after both the coal demand of the area dried up and the advent of diesel trains which didn't need the coal refueling services in the town. However, trains still run on the tracks and diesel trains carrying coal still go through the area. Amtrak also makes regular stops here. 

Today, Thurmond is part of the New River National Park and they have a ranger station set up in the old depot.

Speaking of nature, I spotted this morning glory on our walk and it was calling to have its picture taken. I obliged because you know how much I like a flower picture.

And the only thing I like more than a picture of a flower is a picture of a flower with a bee on it. So our tour of Thurmond was a nature walk, of sorts. But I digress. Back to the events of the day. :)

After our visit to Thurmond, we went to the Sandstone Falls Visitor Center in the southern part of the New River Park. The center is relatively new and focuses on the watershed of the New River and best practices for it. Theo said it was his favorite visitor center, so far. Kris recommended it us as she visited it with her family a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, as I was wandering around outside, I was "attacked" by a plant that left hundreds of burs on me. It took a while to pick them all off. Nature sure has it's persistent ways. 

Brooks Overlook

Then we were off to see the falls. We had several scenic stops along the way before we made it to the town of Hinton where there was a bridge to cross over the New River. Then we followed along the river for several miles until we reached the falls. 

Brooks Falls. Ward and Wally, up close and personal with the New River.

We have been seeing a lot of views of the New River from high vantage points. This was the first time we were up close and personal with the river. Because of Helene, the river was up and quite muddy. This area did not receive excessive rains like North Carolina, but the New River has its origins in NC. So what ever happens there, takes about three days to reach the New River Gorge. BTW, the New River is one of the few rivers that flows north in the East.

The rushing waters were quite LOUD.

Sandstone Falls. A couple of weeks ago, before the rainfall from Helene, these falls only had trickles of water going over them.

Another view of Sandstone Falls a little further down stream. The rocks the water was falling over were not visible because of the amount of water in the river now.

We ended our time around the Falls with a short hike on the Island Loop Trail.

So there you have it. My end of the day brain dump. Time for bed.

Until next time...

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