Sunday, October 20, 2024

Hello, again

 Time has been flying since we got home from our trip to WV. I haven't posted since then, so I think it's time for some speed blogging, otherwise known as stream-of-conscious blogging. Also scattered throughout are pictures of what's blooming in the yard. 

If I've been doing anything with blogging, I have been working on a private blog about our trip. That way, I can add pictures where you can actually see people's faces. I'm also adding a few more photos than I did here where I was trying to summarize and not show you too many pictures. Adding pictures has been tedious because I collected them from three different places. And, of course, Blogger wasn't always cooperating. I finished with this chore yesterday. The posts are not necessarily pretty, but they will be good for recalling our trip.

Today, I went to the movies, and I think I must have broken some kind of personal record. Ward and I went to one in the summer, so that's 2 movies for me in just a few months. It was Miss Landers' birthday, so Aunt Martha and I took her to see Death Becomes Her. It's a cult classic from 1992 and stars Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn, and Bruce Willis. It's a dark comedy among the other Halloween-type movies the theater was playing. This is the same theater that I went to in the summer, where I was freezing the entire film. Today, I found out that you can turn on heat for the seats as well as recline them. Live and Learn. The tickets were only $5, so we may actually go again. Maybe the third time will be the charm, and I will fully understand how my seat works. 

This weekend, I've been working on cleaning up our garden. I harvested the last of the lettuce and tomatoes and have been cleaning up the dead plants and weeds. I plan to cover it with black plastic this year, as the Farmer's Almanac recommended. Hopefully, that will cut back on some of the weeds in the spring.

Speaking of plants, we had our first frost this past week. Most things survived, but some did not. We're having a warm-up now, so I think we will have to keep mowing the grass. It's so happy this time of year with the lower temperatures and more rain.

I just finished reading The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. The non-fiction book came out in 2013, and I'm a little late to the party to read it. In case you aren't familiar with the story, the book chronicles the rowing team from the University of Washington and their quest for the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. The book is intense but excellent. They later made a movie about it, but I haven't seen it. From what I read, the book is a richer experience with more background about the people. But, rarely can a movie include everything a book does.

Well, there goes my timer reminding me that it's time to fix dinner. We're having shepherd's pie from the freezer and a salad. 

Until next time...


  1. Your dinner sounds wonderful! We haven't gotten a first frost yet, but it sure has been cold in the morning! That is so cool about the theater seats! I haven't been to a theater to watch a movie in years. The nearest one to us is 45 minutes away and has really gone downhill a bit. Definitely no reclining or heated seats there, haha! I never saw that movie when it came out. I may have to try and find that one!

    1. Our closest movie theater is only 20 minutes away and in the town where we do most of our shopping, so, it's convenient. Until recently, I hadn't been to the movie in years, either. "Death Becomes Her" is a fun, sometimes silly, movie. I enjoyed it.

  2. You've been busy since you returned from your trip. Your garden looks lovely with all your mums in bloom. Mine are just started to form buds, after we cut them back in the summer.

    1. Some of the mums are looking ragged after the frost, but there are still some blooms. I cut mine back in the summer too. I'm not sure if it made them much fuller, but it didn't hurt.

  3. I need to find that movie! Right up my alley.

    Your flowers still look great. Mine are suffering from no rain but we are not going to do any more watering.

    Good to see you post again!

    1. I can't believe that I hadn't seen that movie before since it's been around for a very long time. It was a fun outing.
      I'm only watering the flowers on our porch, and it's about time to empty the rain barrel for the winter because we're done with most watering, too.

  4. We've had a couple of frosts, and now the temps are in the 70s. Lots of up and down temperatures, but it's been very sunny, the trees are at peak color, and it's so lovely outside!

    You've made good progress on your vacation blog. I need to work on my Shutterfly book, adding more vacation pictures to it, but it's been busy. I like doing them, though, because it helps me remember what we saw.


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