Saturday, August 3, 2024

This and That

Flowers for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.

 I woke up early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep because my busy mind was making plans. In the forefront was the family reunion my sisters and I are planning for next weekend. It will be five hours from here, where most of my cousins live, and the distance makes everything a bit more complicated. We are providing the main dish, which will be a taco bar. Also, we've got games, displays, and giveaways. And an impressive spreadsheet tracking it all. Now we're trying to figure out travel coordination with cars converging from different directions, grocery store trips to pick up perishables, hotel check-ins, Friday night dinner, a cemetery visit to decorate my parent's graves, and set up. 

The allium is in bloom now.

My sister and brother-in-law are coming down from Maine for the reunion and will come back to Maryland for a few days afterward. Their visit will be relaxed but full as we try to schedule times for them to visit with all of their nieces and nephews and work around everyone's work schedules. But I am looking forward to it all.

In the meantime, we are making progress with some of the house issues we were having. We've gone a couple of days without catching any more mice, and all of the bait has been untouched. I hope we got them all—at least for now. Interestingly enough, I have learned that several neighbors have been having mice problems, too.

Also, we got our washer fixed. We weren't sure if it was worth it to fix it since it was 18 years old, but because it is 18 years old, it was much better made than today's models. According to the repairman, we should be able to get several more good years out of it. So, for much less than the cost of a new washer, we're back in business washing clothes. And the convenience of that makes me happy.

The tomatoes are doing okay. I have been freezing some and have a box of yellow ones on the counter that I should do something with today. BTW, I love vine-ripe tomatoes.

It's still very hot and dry here, but we've had a few storms that brought a little rain. None of it has been a soaking rain, and the cracks in the ground are still there, but rain is rain, and it has been a welcome relief. Our rain gauge sits on one of our fence posts, or at least it used to. We haven't put it back up since we got the new fence, so I couldn't tell you exactly how much rain we've had. After Ward gets done building five easels to display things at the reunion, he is going to put the gauges back up. 

Ward is up now and going for his first cup of coffee. It's on days like this when I haven't had enough sleep that I wish I drank coffee. However, I never have. I say when they make it taste as good as it smells, I start having my morning cup.

Until next time...


  1. Oh gosh, your post about the washer reminded me I unplugged my frig last night. The freezer fan was making horrible noise after I left the door accidentally ajar and it frosted up. I better get at it with that. Sounds like a big get together. Lots of fun and family!

    1. I hope the nights rest was all your fridge fan needed to be working again. It's always good to see my cousins, but over the years the reunion has gotten smaller and smaller, especially since everyone from my father's generation is gone. However, as long as some of us want to get together, we will continue to have it.

  2. Your birthday flowers are gorgeous.
    I hope the reunion goes without a hitch and no rain!

    1. The flowers are pretty, but even prettier in person. Ward has found a local florist that does a very nice job. He knows them personally, so he likes to support their business. We are well planned so the reunion should go well. At least better than when we left all of the food at home, 5 hours away. Then we had a quick trip to the grocery for sandwich fixings. And no one really cared.

  3. Happy belated birthday! The flowers are lovely. The family reunion sounds wonderful, even if it involves a lot of planning, coordinating, and work. Glad you were able to get your washer repaired. Yay for tomatoes from the garden. :)

    1. I always enjoy seeing my relatives. And I say the same thing every year. I am very lucky that I actually like them all.

  4. A happy late birthday, June! Sounds like busy times dot you and your family. I know the reunion will be well worth your time and trouble. I think our reunions are over, sadly. Last time only 20 people showed up. In the past we had 130 orvso. Sad to see it end, but the younger generations just don't seem interested.

    1. Our numbers have definitely dwindled over the years, but the smaller numbers mean you can have real visits with all who are there. At some point, we will stop because the next generation just doesn't have or want the same connections.

  5. Don't you just hate that when your brain will not slow down and let you sleep? The problem is that you come up with some great ideas, but do not remember them in the morning!

    1. You don't remember them unless you can't back to sleep. Then they stay fresh on your mind. :)


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