Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Everything in Moderation Fail

 One of the sayings I try to practice is "Everything in moderation." That helps me keep things in check and not worry too much. I am much better at this than I used to be, but I am still a work in progress. That may have been the case last weekend.

Last weekend was my annual family reunion. We rotate among the families for hosts; this year, it was my family's turn. My sisters and I spent months planning with meetings, phone calls, lists, and spreadsheets. The event was held in the area where most of my cousins live, but unfortunately, that's about five hours from here. So, there were extra considerations for transporting and refrigeration. But we had a plan.

A view from one of our rest stops

We left Friday morning. I had to work the night before, but we were pretty well-packed, so that was not a problem. We were joined by another sister and friend and took off for our trip across the mountains. The trip went well despite the fact that we drove through heavy rains from Storm Debby. 

We arrived at our destination late afternoon where we had arranged to get into the church where we were holding the reunion tomorrow to drop things off. We met two more of my sisters there. After unloading the cars and doing some initial setup, we visited my cousin Jo because she is housebound and wouldn't be able to come to the reunion. It was a good visit, but it had to be cut short because we were meeting another cousin, Jewel, for dinner. That was also a good visit, but the food took over an hour to arrive. I was very tired and hungry at that point. After dinner, Jewel invited us to her house for a brief visit. 

By the time we reached the hotel, I was exhausted and ready to veg a little and go to bed. However, Miss Landers discovered a leak in her car, and I went down to help her clean it up. Now, I was ready to drop. However, sleep eluded me as my brain was busy processing all the social things I did during the day. Have I mentioned before that I'm an introvert? So, even if I enjoy social interactions, they zap my energy and can overstimulate my brain.

Anyway, we woke (so I did sleep a little) the next morning to a bright day and a good hotel breakfast bar. Before meeting at the church, we had to make a grocery store trip to get some last-minute things. And at the same time, we were trying to fix flowers for a couple of cemetery visits. Many of our relatives, including our parents, are buried at a country cemetery in the area, and we try to visit when we are in town. Two of my sisters took off on that task while Ward and I hurried to the church, meeting friends before the reunion. We finished setting up and started preparing the taco bar we were having. 

A photo of my grandfather my cousin found

The reunion went great. Good people, good food, and good fun. Our extensive planning paid off. Then, it was clean-up time. We cleaned up, packed the cars, and were on the road again. After a long drive, we got home around 9 p.m. Let me be the first to say I was worn out! However, a night in my own bed was a good start in recovering from our whirlwind 36 hours.

Our careful planning made the reunion a big success, and I loved visiting with my relatives and friends. However, I will be the first to admit this was not an "everything in moderation visit." But the problem is we feel compelled to tend to many things while we are in the area since we only make it there once a year or so. And work schedules prevent longer visits to spread the activities out. Maybe next time, I will remember how tired I was at the end of this and do things differently. We shall see how good my memory is.

Until next time...


  1. Oh goodness! Y'all certainly accomplished a lot on your short visit! I don't think I would have been able to get out of bed that first morning there! Haha! But, I totally understand trying to fit all the things in when you don't get there very often. I know that's tough! Maybe next time you can stay a little longer so things won't be so rushed. Anyway, it sounds like it was a very productive time and I know it was so good to see your family.

    1. My schedule may be freeing up some next year, so we may be able to make more than one short visit a year. That would help a lot.

  2. I'm glad your reunion went well. Your planning paid off. I am with you in the "everything in moderation" mantra, but some situations (like this one!) make that darn near impossible. Hoping you stay healthy.

    1. I am staying healthy, sort of. This week, I've been more tired, but I'm not drinking enough and not having as much activity as I usually do. I think those might have something to do with it. :) And those are easy things to fix. I'm off now to get a drink.

  3. Glad the reunion went well even if you had a very busy time getting everything done. :)

    1. The numbers have really dwindled over the years, but I hope we keep having them. It's the only time I get to see my cousins.

  4. That does sound like a busy and exhausting trip. I am sure it was worth the memories, though. It sounds like you and your sisters planned very well indeed.
    Hope you are getting rested up.

    1. We have most everything put away now and life goes on with work and other things. Our mother would have been proud of our planning. She was a great planner herself.

  5. That is a fast trip for all that driving distance. But sounds like a great time.

    1. I agree. It was a fast trip with a lot of driving, but worth it to visit with extended family.

  6. The reunion sounds really great. One thing I know is that, later when you look back on them, you tend to focus on all the good stuff that happened, and (mostly) forget about the hecticness of it all. Mainly, I think, is that for the next one or two, some people who were there earlier no longer are.

    Taco Bar? Who doesn't love that! Neat.

    1. Every year there are people who are no longer with us, but I am very happy to see the ones that are.

  7. Good for you for planning such a great event. I used to plan big events for work and remember the hours and hours that went into each one. So glad those days are behind me. I have trouble planning for tomorrow sometimes now!

    1. Yep, I have trouble planning for tomorrow sometimes, too. However, give me a little time and I can do an okay plan.

  8. It did sound as though your careful planning worked well. I love that idea to meet everyone, we've never done that.

    1. This is a tradition from when I was a kid, and we used to meet at my grandparents farm to celebrate her birthday.


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