Friday, June 28, 2024

Feline Friday

 Danielle at Sweet Tea Reads is participating in Feline Friday, where you post a picture of a cat, real or imagined. Even though we don't have cats anymore, I do have a few pictures from owning them for decades, so I'm playing along.

A cat and his bag.
Not only was Lucky in charge of this bag,
 he was the king of the other cats when we had four.


  1. Lucky was a very handsome kitty. Cats are so funny when they find a bag like that.

  2. Replies
    1. You should play along with Feline Friday. You have so many cats to choose from.

  3. Adorable! You did a great job photographing Lucky--black cats are hard to photograph (at least with my phone--probably somebody with a nice camera can do it well).

    1. I don't have a nice camera, just get lucky (pun intended) sometimes. A problem I have is not getting their eyes washed out with their big pupils.

  4. Lucky looks so happy in his bag!

  5. Cats are just weird. I love our old guy but he has some of the oddest ways! He isn't about boxes nearly as much as our dear old Charley, though. She loved a box.

    1. Yep, cats are weird. We've had a few that were weird even for a cat. :)

  6. Aww! I love black kitties! Lucky sure was a handsome fellow!

    1. I never even thought about it when we got Lucky, but apparently black cats are hard to find homes for because they are bad luck. Lucky was black, but had the faintest of grey stripes around his tail.

  7. Lucky was quite handsome as well as a take-charge kind of guy. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

    1. Lucky was top cat for the group of four we had. Much to Annie's chagrin who was always trying to be in the top spot.


What do you think?