Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Around the Yard this Week

 We are under the heat dome like much of the country, without any rain, so we are trying to keep things watered enough to survive. Some recently planted things are struggling but haven't given up yet. But despite the heat, and maybe because of it, there are things blooming around the yard. Here are a few things I saw recently.

The bumble bees love the lamb's ear blooms.

And the spirea around the corner.

However, there are only honey bees on the hydrangea. 

This is the mum I took out of the trash at work and planted last fall.
 It's a little confused and blooming a few months early.

In the same bed as the mums, I transplanted several black-eye susans and cone flowers. Something is enjoying them and has eaten the tops off of many of them.
However, there are still some that show promise of blooming.

The butterfly bush is in bloom. However, I've only seen a few butterflies so far.

A new color of yellow daylily is blooming.

And around the corner, the orange ones starting to bloom just today.

Purple sage.

Look carefully. There are 4 zinnia plants in the picture. Despite the diatomaceous earth around them, they are still being devoured by earwigs. However, the diatomaceous earth has slowed down the demise. The first dozen I planted were gone in one day. These have been out for almost a week. The neighbor has had to plant her vegetable garden twice because of earwigs.

Hydrangea. Wally and Theo got me a hanging basket that contained 6 hydrangea plants. I have transplanted them around the yard to see if I can get them to thrive. So far, they are all hanging on but have definitely suffered in the transplant process. This one had all of its leaves and much of its stem eaten by a rabbit (?). However, I was pleased when I saw new growth. 

Until next time...


  1. It's always a treat to see your flowers. It's hard to keep up with watering everything, with the excessive heat. We just got back a few hours ago from visiting my in-laws in Illinois and it was even hotter there than it is here. Whew. Thankful for AC. My husband spent a lot of time watering the garden when we got home. Tomorrow I'll have to check out my flowers--I'm too tired tonight to deal with them.

    1. I bet your husband was anxious to see his garden and water it. I know I always want to see how things are growing after I get back from somewhere. Hope you got a good rest and can start catching up on things today.

  2. What a nice garden walk, such pretty flowers.
    I suspect you have a deer eating your plants. Some of my coneflower look the same. Dratted deer. Last night they ate my baby celosia, but not the coleus. I am finding a few things they won't eat, and will be planting more of those in future.
    Stay as cool as you can! Surely this too must pass.

    1. Deer are definitely eating some of things, but I think rabbits are getting their fair share, too. I have coleus on my front porch that is safe for now. At our last house, the deer had no problem coming right up to the house. :)

  3. Your garden is doing great, even if the critters are feasting on your plants. The daylilies are lovely and M brought me a daylily plant, today, so I'm looking forward to seeing daylilies in my garden, too, one day. Hope the heat dome moves away and it becomes cooler for you.

    1. Day lilies have beautiful blooms, but as soon as it gets hot the foliage turns brown and the whole planted area is not so attractive. I have mixed feelings about them. I'm not sure when the heat dome is supposed to move, but it will be close to 100 this weekend. If we could have some rain with it, it would be okay.

  4. It's hot here, too. Your flowers are lovely, especially the butterfly bush.

    1. The butterfly bush is full of those bright purple blooms right now and is especially pretty. However, it is outgrowing its space and we have to keep pruning it.


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