Saturday, December 23, 2023

Ornament Parade - Kid's Handiwork

  Over the next few days, I will be rerunning posts where I featured ornaments from our Christmas tree. Like many of you, each ornament brings a special memory with it. These are good memories for me, but they can also bring a tear or two as I think about people from my past who are no longer with me. 

But with no further ado, here is the third set.


We have several ornaments on the tree made by Wally, Theo, and other relatives when they were younger. What's significant about these is that most of them were made by kids more interested in jumping off the chair instead of sitting on it and doing a craft. It took a lot of effort for them to make these and that didn't go unnoticed by Ward and me.

There is a series of this kind of ornament with Wally or Theo's picture in a frame decorated by them.

This one was x-stitched by my younger cousin and was a gift for one of our early Christmas trees. I think she was in middle school at the time.

This one was made by Wally in kindergarten. I think it was supposed to be a round wreath, but the wire the beads were strung on is flexible, and the "wreath" has been in many different shapes over the years.

This gods-eye was made by my nephew. We were very proud of him for making it because working with his hands was definitely not his thing when he was younger.

Wally and Theo made this when they were in early elementary school with a group of kids in the neighborhood. 

I'm not sure how, but this was made by my niece with gelatin. Originally, it was a sun catcher, but it got too hot in the window and started to warp. Then, I retired it to be an ornament we enjoy yearly on our tree.

This one was made by Theo when he was a Tiger Cub Scout. If truth be told, I think his den leader had as much of a hand in it as did Theo.

This was made by Wally in first grade.

This is a cinnamon applesauce ornament. I helped Wally make a set of these in first grade to give to his teachers and other special adults. For the first several years, they gave off a pleasant cinnamon smell.

This is not an ornament but a decoration Wally made in preschool. The teacher spray-painted a pine cone and mounted it on a thread spool. Wally then glued sequins on it for ornaments. Many sequins have fallen off over the years, but it's still a cute little tree.

More to come...


  1. i have really enjoyed seeing and reading about your ornaments. i used to have a tree in the kitchen which had nothing but the kids hand made ornaments. after we remodeled the kitchen my trr space disappeared.

    1. Oh, a tree with just kid's ornaments would be so fun. I think you should resurrect it.

  2. The older I get, the more important the history is to me.

  3. Those are so cute. I need to see if Nick's mom has any ornaments he made as a kid.

    1. Even if she's not ready to part with them, they would be fun to see. I hope she finds some for you.

  4. Oh I love this!
    Our tree is full of memories too! Ornaments the kids made in elementary school, and ornaments from the places we have been plus some of my and my husband's childhood ornaments. It is so special to me.

    1. While I appreciate the beauty of designer trees, a tree that holds memories is what is special to me. We have a few ornaments from my and my husband's childhood that we have acquired the past few years as people have passed away. While you can't save everything from the past, it is nice to have a few things that spark good memories.

  5. I love seeing all the ornaments your sons and other family members made. I have a couple of ornaments my daughter made that I hang on the tree each year. :)
    Happy Christmas to you and your family, June.

    1. I bet you treasure those ornaments made by your daughter. Does she like them?


What do you think?