Monday, April 25, 2022

U is for Use it Up

This is a cross-stitch that I did several years ago. I selected it because I liked the saying and the flower detail around the edges. Recently, I began to wonder about the origin of the saying. After a bit of Googling, Barry Popik, who studies the origins of words enlightened me.

The saying is thought to be a New England proverb seen in print as early as 1933. Earlier versions of the saying were, “Eat it up, wear it out, make it do,” and it was widely used during the Great Depression. However, the War Advertising Council modified it and used the saying during World War II to promote the conservation of resources to help the war effort. During this campaign, the wording was changed to "Use it up, wear it out, Make it do, Do without." 

It has been used since then by frugal and environmentally-minded people everywhere. Do you ever quote this saying?


  1. I absolutely LOVE this saying. I really have grown to hate waste. Thank you for the reminder. :)

    1. This saying has always spoken to me. Your comment brings to mind another saying that I like, "Waste not, want not."

    2. I didn't hear this saying until I was an adult but I grew up hearing "Waste not, want not" from my mom.

  2. I haven't heard this saying before but I do like it! It is a good philosophy to live by and make do with what we have instead of always thinking things have to be replaced.


    1. And these days, if we can stay out of the stores by not replacing as many things, that's a good thing, too. Or at least until COVID becomes only background noise.

  3. I have never heard this before although as I get older I am being more careful with my waste. I used to do my grocery shopping for the week or two weeks but I find I end up not using most of what I bought. So now I shop every other day and only buy what I need for the next couple of days. That has saved waste and a few bucks.

    1. I know one person who walked to the grocery store and bought only what she could carry. That limited what she bought and that helped a lot with her waste, too.

  4. I like this saying. I've heard it and the other (Waste not, want not), before. I try to live according to these two sayings. :)

    1. I think we're a like minded group here as we all try to live by the principles of the saying.

  5. Never used the saying but was taught to live by the meaning behind it. It is always good to not be wasteful with food, money and resources.

    1. I agree. There's no need to waste anything even if you have the money you need to buy more.

  6. That's wonderful and so topical these days with everyone trying to cut waste to help reduce global warming. It's a saying for our times.

    1. It seems to be a saying that is timeless because it is as applicable today as it was 100 years ago.


What do you think?