Thursday, February 10, 2022

Decisions, Decisions

We are closing 3 doorways and
opening 2 new ones.
We are a week and a half into our kitchen remodel, and things are going well. Cabinets and flooring have been removed, and doorways opened and closed. The main activity this week has been by the electrician. We are taking this opportunity while he is here to add lights to a couple of rooms and additional outlets where we have none. But with this comes questions about switch configurations, outlet placement, etc. Not as easy as it sounds. I just keep saying for him to use his professional judgment, but he wants feedback. I guess that makes sense since it will not be easy to undo his work.

And I thought we had decided most everything about the design, but we got a question on Monday about the profile we want on three different kinds of moldings. I don't know. I am just happy to have moldings, but they want to know our preferences. And what do we want the shelf configuration to look like in the pantry? What are we going to store there? I don't know. The cabinet configurations are totally different than before, so I'm not sure where everything will go. 

Ward and I are also working on pulls and knobs for the cabinets. Too many choices. I think we've picked them out, and then we change our minds the next day. Actually, I don't care that much anymore. I just want to get them ordered. We have not yet researched garbage disposals to know what we get there, but that's a little later in the process, so there's time on that.

Pull of the hour.

What is more urgent to keep things moving is ordering the tile for the floor. I've been working on that this morning. We picked out something they keep in stock, but there were words about supply chain problems that may affect our order. So they're getting back to us on that.

Otherwise, the process is noisy--headache-inducing noisy sometimes, making it hard to concentrate or even hold a conversation. But such is the nature of construction. The workers are very polite and friendly, and we are lucky that way. However, it is interesting when we hear an exclamation when something goes wrong. We are very curious about what happened, but so far, nothing has been bad enough that they have had to tell us about it.

The only real problem was when the old refrigerator's water supply was unhooked and leaked, which I mentioned before. What I didn't know when I talked about it last time was that water had leaked through the ceiling into Wally's room, soaking his bed. Luckily, the linen and pillows absorbed most of the water, and the mattress was only a little wet. So everything is dried out, and the only reminder of the slight mishap is a stained ceiling.

I feel very lucky that we can do this work on our house to make it work better for us. We are very pragmatic people, so while we want things to look nice, we mostly want things to improve our day-to-day lives. And I think that will happen.

Until next time...



  1. I am a function over form person. I want things to work and work well. How it looks is secondary. We laugh about me picking something out. Look for the simplest design and that is always what I am drawn to.

    1. Well, at least you have style-simple. We're all over the place at times, but I would say that we trend toward simple, also.

  2. Replies
    1. If money were no object, I'd do what they do on TV. Let a designer get a general feel for what we like and let them make all of the decisions. But money is an object, so we can't pass off the decisions like we want to sometimes.

  3. I mostly enjoy the decorative choices but there does come a point when it's overwhelming. I think your current drawer pulls are pretty, BTW. I do try to figure in future cleaning considerations when making choices. I don't love to clean so if something will add to the work load, I shy away from it.

    We modified a closet into a pantry when we did our kitchen renovation. That was challenging to determine shelving heights but it is something that will affect future function. I went with cereal box location to start, since that was the shelf needing the tallest space. Will you have pull out shelves? I love mine. SO much easier to get what I need.

    1. I have rejected several things on how many grooves they have because of imagined (or real) lack of ease of cleaning. However, I try to balance that tendency with a little bit of style. And I'm not naturally artistically gifted, so seeing these little details in the big picture can be difficult for me.

      Right now we are going with a cereal box height for shelf height-as least in the extension part. It's a small closet now that we're expanding to a couple of suspended shelves over the steps below. Structure and code are the main influencers of what we can have. However, pullout shelves would be great. Before, stuff in the back was often lost with the out-of-sight, out-of-mind practice.

  4. Sounds like you got a lot of work done in only a week and a half!
    Can you put in adjustable shelves in the pantry? Would that be an option? Also, put in more outlets than you think you might need!

    1. One part of the pantry can only have fixed shelves, but I'm hoping another wall can have adjustable ones. We shall see. There are many outlets being added. Code requires it.


What do you think?