Friday, January 7, 2022

2021, The Year in Review -Part 1

... According to my blog

I find it interesting to look over my blog from the previous year to see how often I posted and what I chose to post about. You may not find it as interesting as I do, but here it goes anyway. :)

January-17 posts

January found me unsettled because of coronavirus uncertainties. My family was not yet eligible for vaccination, so we continued with our hypervigilance. To help combat these feelings, I posted every day for two weeks with positive, everyday topics. Also, our friend Kris, a healthcare worker, shared her experience with early vaccination.

In January, we visited a lighted, outdoor boat display. 


February -6 posts

This was a month of talking about winter weather - snow, sleet, ice, and more snow, sleet, and ice. To have something else to post about, I shared new things I had learned: rice is really bad garbage disposals. And this is also when we began in earnest to plan for a kitchen remodel with high hopes. 

At the end of the month, I tried a new-to-me method of starting seeds in milk jugs outside.
March - 6 posts

Just as February posts were dominated by winter, March posts were dominated by spring as things started to bud and bloom. We continued our outdoor outings exploring a city park. However, the most important event of this month was that Ward and I received our first vaccination. 

Nothing says spring to me like crocus.

April - 26 posts    

I once again participated in the A-Z blogging challenge, where I posted every day except Sundays. I tried something different this year using a theme -  Fruits and Vegetables. I explored new-to-me veggies and fruits, shared recipes, showed what was growing in my garden, and examined the nutrition of various fruits and veggies. I still struggled to post every day, but looking back over them, I find them interesting. 

For "V", I made vegetable soup with what I had on hand.

May - 9 posts

May was a month of moderate weather and an outside focus. The cooler-weather vegetables were doing well in the garden, and I was trying to figure out where to plant more things that I had been gifted. Flowers were prominently featured in several posts. 

We were finally fully vaccinated (so we thought), and we had a few family members over for a cookout to celebrate Ward's birthday. Also, since we were fully vaccinated, we took our first trip in over a year. We drove to WV to visit cousins and, along the way, explored historic sites, including ones that involved my ancestors more than 200 years ago. There was a feeling of hope as we were slowly doing activities we hadn't done for a while. 


The rhododendrons were blooming early in the month.

June - 8 posts

I continued posting about the trip to WV that we took in May. There were more signs of "normalcy" as people were allowed back into the library. We began harvesting vegetables from our garden, including broccoli, lettuce, carrots, peas, and beets. The weather was unseasonably warm and brought a storm that took down a much-loved tree in our front yard. I also shared another storm of sorts when I posted about the invasion of cicadas this month.

Stayed tuned for 2021 in Review, part 2.


  1. I did not expect the calendar to change last January and the uncertainty be over, but I had hoped for some sort of slow and steady improvement rather than the yoyo cyclical reappearance of Covid. Hope springs eternal though and I hope this year things improve dramatically.

    1. Although we have known there was uncertainty with COVID, I don't any of us thought we'd still be where we are today. At the turn of last year, all hopes were pinned on the vaccine. But the virus had other plans.
      But, you're right. Hope springs eternal.

  2. It's interesting to see how different, and yet the same, things are this year. I never expected the "old normal" to return but I did think that the world of covid would be a little more stable and predictable. However, it IS good to recognize that we had bright spots along the way. It can be easy for me to get mired in the negative, so thanks, June, for your reminders that good things happen.

    1. Lot's of good things have happened, both big and small. However, the background of worry that has come with this pandemic is exhausting.

  3. That was a fun post, looking back to see what you posted about in each month! Looking forward to seeing part 2!

    1. I don't post as often as you do, so its interesting to see what I did choose to post about. For years, my most common themes have been plants and the outdoors.

  4. It's interesting to see what you posted about last year. I might do the same.

    1. Of course, a lot of things happen in my life or that I have opinions about that I don't share here. I found interesting to see what I did share. And to see how often I post. It doesn't feel like blog very often, but it's more than I thought, especially since I often feel like I have nothing to say.


What do you think?