Friday, October 29, 2021

Well, That's Annoying.

Pet peeves. Those annoying little things that really bug you, but aren't that important in the grand scheme of things. Do you have any? I do. And I'm going to grouse about them now.

First is how people are totally unaware of how they might sound on the other end of a phone call. In my job, I have to get information from people over the phone to help them. And it is a lot more difficult than it needs to be. People don't seem to think that they need to be near their phones or worry about background noise while they're on a call. I often describe the calls as sounding as if the caller has a bucket over their head because of echoes and general muddiness of the sound. Many of the calls are made from cars which produce a lot of background noise. And often, the caller is holding a simultaneous conversation with someone else that has no relevance to the call. If you are making a call where you need to impart or receive information, wait until you can do it in a quiet area without distractions. And get close to your phone. Things will go a lot smoother if you do. 

Also, I get annoyed the way most popular songs repeat the same couple of lines over and over at the end. I don't mind a regular repeat of a chorus, but the other just seems like the writer/singer can't come up with anything else and is trying to fill the allotted time for the recording. But everyone seems to do it, so maybe I'm the only one who gets bored with the repetition.

And TV has gone overboard with moving graphics. We don't need a crawler, flashing logo, and advertisements for other shows all while we watch the main event. Just because it is easy to do these things doesn't mean that they have to be done. Am I the only one who gets annoyed when these extra graphics are blocking the main content? Does anyone occasionally go into sensory overload when there are so many unrelated things happening at the same time?

That seems like enough grumbling for now. Do you have any pet peeves?


  1. I'm with you on simplistic limited song lyrics, also on advertising other shows while another is going on. Just because you can, don't! My biggest pet peeve? People who don't show after making an appointment or are terribly late.

    1. Every once in while, there are extenuating circumstances that prevents someone from showing up on time. The rest of the time, I think its rude to be very late or not show at all.

      However, culture can have something to do with it. My mother-in-law was from Guatemala where nothing was ever on time, so she didn't worry about being on time either. That made things difficult sometimes in this country because here we have different expectations.

  2. I don't listen to a lot of current-to-2021 music so I probably can't comment on that. However, sometimes at work a coworker will play music on their phone in the staff charting area, which I find incredibly distracting.

    I think your other two examples are good. I would add, for me, that staring at your phone when you are supposed to be engaging in a conversation is definitely peeve-worthy.

    1. Or staring at a phone when crossing a street, or stopped in the middle of a store aisle, or driving!

  3. Scam calls! I've got to a point where I no longer answer the phone unless I recognize the number! I figure the non-spam callers will leave a message on the answering machine.
    Neighbors who play LOUD music (amplifiers, DJ, etc.), outside, after 1:00 a.m., regularly.
    People who block my driveway when they park their vehicles.
    People who let their pets roam free in my yard and don't clean up after them (especially their dogs); who often leave grocery carts on the parkway in front of my house; who sometimes help themselves to my plants (and the pomegranates).
    Aren't you glad you asked? :D

    1. Tell us how you really feel, Bless. :)
      All very annoying things. And now they make the numbers look very similar to ones that you do know to try to trick you into picking up the phone.
      Luckily, I have good neighbors now. That hasn't always been the case, however, so I know some of what you're talking about.

    2. We had not-so-great neighbors for awhile. They have a corner lot and their back yard faces towards two of our bedrooms and they had a barking dog ..... ugh. SO glad the new owners don't have dogs. I wouldn't call them stellar neighbors but at least they are mostly quiet. I'm sorry you have to put up with so much, Bless. Home should be a place to recharge.

  4. I’ve caught some people every Sunday evening coming with an entire flatbed of trash and dumping it into the dumpster at my complex. I’m 90% sure they don’t live here.

    1. I can't believe some people are so bold. I see people drive up in parking lots and put their trash in stores' dumpsters. I know money is tight for some people, but there are free county dumps or you can get 2x/week trash pick up for $12/mon around here.


What do you think?