Sunday, October 3, 2021

Thankful Sunday, October 3, 2021

 I woke up with my mind busy with thankful thoughts so I thought I would share a few of them.

1. I am thankful for later sunrises. While the shorter days of fall can have drawbacks, I am thankful that it no longer gets light at 5-5:30 in the morning. No matter how long I've been in bed when it starts getting light, my body says that it's time to wake up. Now I have almost another hour more of darkness in the morning than I did during the summer. And the added bonus is that I see more sunrises. 

2. I am thankful for a newly painted basement window. We had all of the windows replaced in the house a couple of years ago - that is all except the basement windows. Recently we noticed the paint peeling on the outside of one of them. With good weather and organized supplies, we were able to take care of that window yesterday afternoon. It's a nice feeling to complete a job the same day you start it.

3. I am thankful for the wonderful autumn weather. For a week or more recently we have been having lows in the 50's and highs in the 70's. Just about perfect.  I am thankful to live in a four-season climate which helps me appreciate all of the variability of our weather.

4. I am thankful for healthy turnip plants. At the end of August, I planted some turnip seeds. They all came up and looked healthy. When I thinned them, I replanted the thinned plants to see if they would survive the transplanting. It was not looking good for a while as all of the leaves totally died. However, new growth has come and the patch is twice as big as it started out. 

5. I am thankful that my 88-year-old father-in-law can live independently. While he appreciates help with several things, he is still able to manage all aspects of his life. What a blessing for everyone. And I am thankful that Ward and I get to spend today with him. 

So it's time to go. 

Until next time...


  1. We have had a week of beautiful sunrises. I wish we could freeze the ratio of daylight to darkness right now--similar to you, I find it hard to go to bed at night when it's still daylight, but I like it light enough to go out in the evenings and not have to drive in the dark.

    We also had gorgeous weather last week. Yesterday, our beech tree suddenly started dropping leaves. It's like the switch flicked to fall. Maybe I need to get out my autumn decorations ....

    1. I was also thinking this is a pretty good ratio of daylight to dark, but it is changing daily. I wish we didn't have to change our clocks which contributes to the very early dark evenings. They keep talking about doing away with the time change, but no action in that direction yet.

      Most of our leaves are intact here, except for the few we lost from the fruit trees during the hot summer weather. I take that back. I just looked out the window and the maple tree across the street has red leaves in the top. It's just a matter of time until we will see all of the colors of fall. In the meantime, I was thinking I should get out our fall decorations, too, meager as they are. :)

  2. Lovely post! I enjoyed reading all the things you are thankful for. How wonderful that you were able to plant out the turnips you thinned and now you have a bigger bed of turnips than before! I hope you had a lovely day visiting your father-in-law.

    1. I had never replanted the plants I thinned before until this summer when I did it with beets and it worked. Since the beets were successful, I tried it with the turnips. None of the leaves survive the process, but the roots are able to produce new ones. Next up, will be the carrots in the spring.

      We had a very nice visit with my father-in-law. We took lunch which we ate outside and had good conversation. We all enjoyed the visit.

  3. I wish I'd planted some turnups. I love them. Forgot this year. I like the later sunrises too!

    1. I didn't used to like turnips, but now I do - especially roasted. They seem pretty easy to grow, so I'm going to make this a fall tradition.

  4. What an awesome post. Fall weather is invigorating


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