Thursday, August 12, 2021

This and That

There's a lot more basil to pick.
 I don't go to work until this afternoon, so I am devoting the morning to processing basil. I have my third batch of pesto in the food processor ready to go. However, Ward has a meeting now, so the actual chopping will have to wait because the food processer is one noisy appliance. (Our food processer, by the way, is almost 40 years old! We got it as a wedding gift.) So while I'm waiting for the go ahead with my noisy project, I've decided to check in here. 

Ward and I have two trips planned for this month. One is going to Pennsylvania to do some genealogy work for Ward's family, who were Polish immigrants around the turn of the last century. Both his grandfather and great grandfather died young, so there's not much oral history to go on. We are going with another brother and his wife and plan to explore church records, cemeteries, and the historical society. I like trips that involve exploring with a purpose - they're like scavenger or treasure hunts. This one fits the bill and I'm looking forward to it.

The other is to West Virginia for my annual family reunion picnic. We take turns among the families hosting it, but because of some difficulties, the next-in-line are not able to do it. So, I've stepped in to make it happen. The numbers have dwindled over the years, but it's not something I want to give up. Normally, we have a much longer planning horizon, but it's all doable. Thank goodness for the internet and phones or this job would be a lot more difficult than it is. We don't live close to where it's going to be held, so the logistics are a bit complicated. 

An earlier family picnic when we would gather for my grandmother's birthday every year in July. There were 13 more cousins to come after this. In case you're wondering, I am the one with the curliest hair.

I've been given the go ahead, so back to the kitchen and the wonderfully smelling basil.

Until next time...


  1. I can smell that basil in my mind! I never thing to plant more than one pot of basil a year. I need to do a bunch for pesto.
    That little girl with the curly hair is adorable!
    I am not going to our family reunion this year. It is planned for two wsk from now and with the Covid rates rising and several relatives who believe this is all a hoax, I am not comfortable going.

    1. My mother said they got me up from a nap for the picture so I look a little dazed.

      We have planned the reunion outside at a park because of COVID considerations. We plan to take a fan to help if its hot, and if it rains, we can gather in the center of the shelter or go to our cars. Maybe next year we can move inside if we want.

  2. You have taken on quite a challenge with pulling together your family's reunion. Hope the logistics work out and the weather is nice. WV is a fun place to go! ;)

    1. Planning these two trips has me a bit stressed, but it's all very doable. We're going to visit some new-to-us places in WV on the way back if we have time. Every place has it's own charm and interest, but I especially enjoy finding some of those things in the place where I grew up.

  3. The basil I planted here years ago got away from me, so I can find it all over every year again. I still use the leaves though. Have fun on your two outings.

    1. I had some basil a couple of years ago that got away, also, but we didn't like the taste of it. It still pops up here and there and the bees like it.

  4. I tried to grow basil this year, but, it died! Cute picture of you and your cousins! I hope both your planned trips work out well and you have fun. Hope you'll share some pictures, too. :)

    1. Maybe your basil died, but your zucchini made up for it!

  5. Do you do genealogical research on the Internet also? I was quite active on Ancestry for a couple of years, but the further back I went, the more guesses I had to make, and also by then, I had so many names of so many people that I couldn't keep them all straight, yet I didn't even include cousins in my research.

    Judging by the lovely photo, you're perhaps, roughly my age, which is 72.

    1. Welcome, Snowbrush.

      In my family, my olderst sister has done most of the genealogy research, and she has used many of the data bases available through Ancestry. It does get very confusing the further back you go.

      For my husband's family, one branch has met with dead ends until recently. On this trip, we are hoping to look at some church records to maybe clear up confusion on several points. It should be interesting.

      I have a few years before I catch up to you, but my oldest cousin is your age.


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