Thursday, April 29, 2021

Y is for Yellow Fruits and Vegetables

 or What Pictures Do I Happen to Have of Yellow Fruits and Vegetables.

I've made almost to the end of this blogging challenge. Yay! But I must admit that I'm running low on energy and motivation, so here is an Instagram-type post. 😏

Gold potatoes for soup

Bananas. We eat these mostly with cereal.

Pears from our tree 

Yellow zucchini

Peaches from a tree at our old house. I guess the yellow was more on the inside.

Yellow watermelon from Uncle Billy's garden

Yellow squash blossom from last year.

Corn is, perhaps, my favorite summer vegetable along with tomatoes.

Crook neck squash (and potatoes and mushrooms)

Corn and Beans pattern on barn quilt


  1. My daughter's favorite color is yellow. She would love this. Meanwhile, it makes me hungry!

    1. Yellow is so bright and cheery. My grandmother lived with us during her last years as my mother provided nursing care for her. After my grandmother died, my mother painted her room a bright yellow to make it a happy place.

  2. Great yellow photos for Y. Only one more day to go!

    1. Finding the photos took a lot of time. It might have required less energy if I had done a post on Yams or Yucca. Oh, well.

  3. I know what you mean about finding photos ;) that corn looks so luscious and yet we forget to buy it ourselves.

    1. Along about July, we start getting corn from the local farmers and I try to take advantage of it because it's so good. Yum!

  4. Great yellow fruits and vegetables! Corn is one of my favorite vegetables! You are almost at the finish line! Just one more to go! :D


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