Sunday, January 17, 2021

Thankful Sunday, January 17, 2021

 I am thankful the mail keeps coming.

For various reasons, the post office has been having problems keeping up with the demand for its services resulting in delayed deliveries. This has caused some problems such as a delayed bill (happened to us), but despite the tardiness, I am enjoying the late delivery of Christmas cards. One or two shows up each week -  always an unexpected treat.  When they arrive in this manner, this gives me time to thoroughly enjoy each one without the busyness of the holidays swirling around me. So for the fact that mail keeps coming, even if it is late, I am thankful.


  1. I am still getting a few Christmas cards also. It really is an unexpected treat!

    1. I get fewer and fewer cards each year as more people depend on social media for communication, so when a card shows up, it really is a nice surprise.

  2. I just got a card from an old friend and learned that 2 daughters got married and another had a baby. Fun to hear an update.

  3. It's always nice to receive cards in the mail, even if they are a bit late. The post office is doing the best it can, I think, but, I know that at least one of my bills is late! Might be a good idea for me to sign up for automatic payment for this particular bill!

    1. We get most of our bills as ebills, but there are a few that still come by mail for various reasons. Automatic payment is one way to make sure that one won't get missed. My son does all of his that way and it's not a bad way to do things especially if most of your expenses are fixed. His utilities are included in his rent, so it works well for him.

  4. That's kind of nice, to keep getting Christmas cards.


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