Thursday, December 10, 2020

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat... 

That's my Christmas song earworm for the day and no one does it better than Miss Piggy and her friends. 

Christmas is coming and we are busy with preparations. The outside lights are up, however parts of two strands have stopped lighting.  But they are what they are and still pretty all the same. (In a Bah, humbug minute, I'm getting tired of lights not working. We have a large bag full of strands that will only partially light. What good are LED bulbs that will burn forever if the wires between them are cheap. I'd spend more for lights if I could figure out which ones were better quality.) Shortly after we finished the outside lights, I mailed our annual Christmas letter. Christmas letters and cards, for that matter, are very old school, but I'm going to keep them up as long as I can. Because, let's face it, I'm old school for most things.

The tree is also up and decorated, and we declared the inside decorations done yesterday. Nothing fancy, but just enough to make it festive and special for this time of year. Last night, Ward and I sat down and figured out what still has to be done to complete gifts for the people on our list. We making many of our gifts this year and have been busy elves working on several things that I can't show at this point.

And it's a Christmas miracle. I have two poinsettia plants that I got last Christmas which are still alive! And they're blooming!! They are spindly and all of the leaves are falling off, but they make me happy all the same. I think of them as the  Charlie Brown Christmas tree of the poinsettia world. :)

Do you celebrate Christmas? Are doing any decorations this year?


  1. Lovely! I have never had a prior years poinsettia do anything other than be a green plant. I am impressed.

    1. I wish I knew what the magic was, so I could make it happen again. But the poinsettia gods just smiled on me this year.

  2. Aw! You should find a mini-ornament to hang on it, just like in the program. Speaking of the Charlie Brown Christmas, we watched our DVD of it last night. My hubby was in a goofy mood and changed the languages to an Asian language (not sure which one) and then he *thought* he switched it back. The characters were speaking English, but periodically we would get subtitles in the language that goofy hubby had initially selected. Certainly a different way of viewing it ....

    Love the Christmas is Coming with Miss Piggy. I didn't know it could be sung as a round. And yes, with everyone being home this year, I am definitely doing what we can for fun, which includes indoor and outdoor decorations and of course, baking cookies. Because food is important. ;)

    1. I'm not sure the plant is strong enough to hang anything off of it, but we do have a stand that we put a pine branch in for our Charlie Brown tree.

      We also have a Charlie Brown Christmas DVD and I never thought about doing another language. Maybe that will interest the others in it more. Watching it is another thing that my family humors me with.

  3. How lovely to have the poinsettia, not only still alive, but, blooming, too? Maybe it will keep growing!

    Your tree looks wonderful! I haven't done any decorating, etc. I was planning to start, today, but, I got distracted doing other things! Maybe I'll start later in the evening.

    1. I'm going to see what I can do to keep it alive for a while longer.

      Do poinsettias grow in your warmer climate? I remember seeing poinsettia "trees" when I visited Guatemala.

  4. Wow, you are way ahead of the Christmas train! I'm not so far along. Except my tree is up. I'd forgotten Miss Piggy singing that song.

    1. To me, if the tree is up then everything else is fluff, so I think you're right on schedule.

  5. Poor Miss Piggie, she could never take Kermie’s hints.

    1. Miss Piggy--one of the great divas of all time. :)

  6. Your tree is gorgeous and I love your Charlie Brown Poinsettia too!


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