Saturday, September 12, 2020

It will all get done.

 I'm tired and cranky. I could come up with several reasons for this, but some days just turn out that way. So what am I going to do about it? Well, instead of dwelling on the negative stuff, I'm going to try to focus on getting ready for the trip we're going on in the morning. Miss Landers has a cabin in WV where Ward and I are going to stay for a few days with hopes of working puzzles, reading, and hiking. At first, it seems frivolous to be talking about getting away for nothing more than a change of scenery when others are fleeing from fires to save their lives.  But if nothing else, the fires in the west have taught us to live for today because tomorrow things could change in an instant. And that means making the most of this little trip we're going on.

But as you may have noticed, I am writing a blog post instead of getting ready. Well, that's procrastination pure and simple. But it will all get done. It always does.

In the meantime, here are  pictures of what I've seen around my yard this week. Exploring the plants and critters that live around me is a sure fire cure for my crankiness. (However, it's not helping the procrastination too much.)

One of our crabapples has started to bloom. The very hot and dry July may have had something to do with this.

This bunny has been living in our yard all summer (and enjoying our vegetables). I think it prefers our yard over others because we're the only one around without a dog.

It's cricket season again. 

I repotted our fig tree this summer and it has rewarded us with five figs. The previous record before was one.

All of the vinca around the caladiums were volunteers. That makes me happy.

This cabbage moth took some time away from eating our brussel sprouts to visit this cosmos.

We have several swallowtail butterfly caterpillars feasting on our carrots. 

The yellow cosmos have done very well this year, but not one of the pink ones has bloomed.

Depending on the internet situation, I may report in next week from our vacation.

Until next time...


  1. It sounds like you really need that little vacation, Live and Learn. A little rest and relaxation, to recharge your batteries, so to speak. I hope you have a safe journey, there and back, and enjoy yourself.

    Lovely photos of the garden, too! The bunny seems to have found a safe haven in your garden (as have the butterflies and caterpillars), and look how well those begonias are growing! I thought you might have planted the vinca as their color coordinates so nicely with the caladium leaves. Yay for the figs! M brought me a tiny little fig plant; we shall see if it grows!

    Now, go prepare for your vacation! :D

    1. I have figured out that begonias do well in front of the house, so that's what I put there every year. The added bonus is that they don't have to deadneaded. :)

  2. Exceptionally pretty pictures! I especially like the caterpillar one.

    Taking time out to recharge is not frivolous. The older I get, the more I believe that you have to seize those moments of enjoyment and fully soak them in. Sooner or later life will get tough for you .... it's inevitable. So go forth and have fun! :)

    1. I have to be very purposeful about doing something different and having fun. My background is one that very much values hard work and that makes it hard for me to do more leisurely things. However, you know what they say, "All work and no play makes June a very dull girl."

  3. I don't think there is anything even remotely indulgent when you opt for a change of scenery/pace. And, as much as we would all like to change the conditions in the fire areas, all we can actually do is donate to relief efforts.
    So enjoy your time away!

    1. You're right. We can't save the world, so we should do what we can to make things better where we are and that includes taking care of ourselves.

  4. That butterfly caterpillar is gorgeous! What a perfect photo!

    1. I was pretty excited when I found a group of those caterpillars on our carrots. They are so pretty. Our carrots didn't do so well for eating, but I'll take them providing a home for the future butterflies.

  5. What a great idea. I know our little weekend jaunts have had a very positive impact on us. Hope you all got great weather.

    1. So far the weather has been perfect--no rain with temps ranging from 40's-80's.


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