Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Logical Thinking

 As you may have noticed here, I generally try to be positive and avoid controversial topics, but I just want to address what has been bothering me lately.

There are a lot of very vocal (and physical) disagreements going on in this country right now on some very important issues. Understandably, many people are intensely passionate about them, but that means they are thinking emotionally instead of logically. And this kind of thinking is the nemesis of a productive discussion.

I understand that people feel strongly about some issues for good reasons and most people are not disagreeing to just disagree. However, I have what I think are valid questions that I would like to explore on some issues, but hesitate to bring them up for fear of being attacked. How am I supposed to understand things if I can't even ask the questions? How can I learn why someone is so passionate about an issue if they won't let me talk about it unless I am in total agreement? And how will anyone understand my point of view if my words cause them to react immediately in an emotional way so they don't really hear what I'm saying?

Passion is a way for a movement to get started. But working only with passion that is not followed up with some logical and rational thinking will not work. Too many people will be alienated on both sides to come to any understanding. 

Hopefully, the pendulum will start swinging back to the middle soon and we can have real discussions on what really matters to people in a productive way. Until then, God help us.


  1. You have just put into words what I have been thinking and feeling, myself. But, I have learned to keep my opinions to myself, especially these past few years, precisely due to the reasons you have stated. You have an advantage over me which enable you to ask these questions, however. It is your birth-right; I, on the other hand, have been told to go back to where I came from. :)

    1. I'm sorry that you have had that said to you, Bless. I have no more right to ask these questions than you do. People who make comments like that obviously have their own issues they need to be working on.

      We have been trending towards zero tolerance of differing opinions for a while now, but I think the tension that people are feeling from the pandemic is making things worse.

  2. Agreed. One of my good friends told me years ago that I tend to see both sides of an issue and that makes people uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable as well, but if you don't look at issues from multiple viewpoints, how do you learn and grow?

    Bless, I'm sorry you have had people say that to you.

    1. I also tend to see both sides. I know it can be annoying, but I never thought about it making people feel uncomfortable. I'll have to think about that.

      I really just want to understand the issues, but I can't if no one will talk about them in a rational way.

  3. I don't talk to anyone except my husband about politics or sensitive issues. I like to read both sides of an issue and figure out what I actually believe or am passionate about drawing my own conclusions. As far as anyone in my realm knowns I am as neutral as Switzerland.

  4. Im so tired of it. I’m tired of the right thinking that Covid is fake, and I’m sick of the left acting like we’re all going to die. I’m sick of people wishing Covid (and subsequent death from Covid) on people just because they don’t agree with them. I’m tired of people cursing and threatening others to wear a $&@“ mask. I’m tired of religious people thinking it won’t get to them because they have Jesus. I never took so much pride in being a middle ground, rational person.

    1. Thank you for being a middle ground, rational person. We need more like you.

  5. Its difficult these days to talk to anyone. I'd like to because I'm uneasy about the future but not worth the backlash.

    1. I guess there are a lot of us out there who are uneasy talking to anyone about our society's problems for fear of backlash. I'm not sure what to do but hope as tensions from COVID subside, other things will follow suit--at least to the point of more talking and less violence.


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