Monday, July 27, 2020

A Study in Yellow

or an Early Morning Walk Around the Yard


  1. These are so beautiful. Is that a squash? Looks good enough to eat, lol.

    1. That's a yellow zucchini. They are usually long and shaped like a regular zucchini, but yellow. However, these don't seem to be doing that. Maybe it's the heat. Who knows, but they are still good eating.

  2. So pretty! Yellow is such a cheerful color, isn't it? I especially like the combination of yellow flowers against green foliage. When I was going to school, we had "houses" that we were assigned to (following the British system; think Harry Potter) and the colors of my house were yellow and green (I think I still have the badge I used to wear on my uniform, somewhere among my bits and pieces!)

    1. I like the yellow against in the dark green, too. You'll have to tell us more about your school houses someday on your blog. I would interested in learning how they worked for you.

  3. Such beautiful pictures as usual.


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