Friday, June 26, 2020

All God's Creatures

Well, actually just a few of them that I see in my yard.

This is the latest addition to our bird feeder. Cute, but very piggy. The ironic thing is that my neighbor loves chipmunks and puts food out for them, but he has only visited her once.

We used to think that this squirrel could empty the feeder pretty fast until the chipmunk showed up.

This male finch is one of the intended visitors to the feeder.

For a couple of weeks this juvenile mourning dove lived under the feeder. 

This was the last day in the nest for these baby robins.

A house wren makes a nest in this box every year. Sometimes it's a decoy nest and sometimes it gets eggs and babies like this year.

Birds aren't the only things hatching these days. This baby praying mantis I found on my porch was only about 3/8"  (~ 1 cm) long.

Bumble bee on bachelor's button. The number of bees seems to be down this year. That may have something to do with the hard freeze we had in May.

I don't have any pictures to show you of the rabbits that are enjoying our peas or the deer that are eating our tomatoes. Maybe next time.


  1. What camera do you use? You always have beautiful picture

    1. Thanks. I have an old point and shoot Sony G series camera that I use. It has a few problems, but still seems to work okay.

  2. Wow, that squirrel is holding on tight while eating upside down! We have a baffle on our birdfeeder but this year, with 2 sets of baby squirrels born in our backyard, the babies have been able to slip through. Hubby has figured out how to foil them. Pretty funny.

    1. Squirrels and chipmunks are fun to watch but expensive to feed. The place we have the bird feeder is easily accessible from all angles so there's not much we can do about the squirrels. After some trial and error, we had a good baffle at our old house, but it's not so easy here. If we want to keep the squirrels off, we would have to move the feeder to a place where we couldn't see it so well. For now, we'll put up with our non-feathered visitors.

      The baby squirrels must be fun to watch. I haven't seen any, but it looks like we had a recent mother at the feeder.

    2. Our squirrel babies kept us entertained through the spring months of quarantining. It's been fun to watch their growing sense of coordination (and funny when they were little and would fall).

  3. You have a lot of visitors and residents in your garden! Cute picture of the chipmunk with his cheeks full of seeds! And that upside down squirrel! I love squirrels, but, the garden cats keep them away. The other day, I found one cat carrying an unlucky squirrel in its mouth. I ran out to try and save the squirrel, but, it was already dead.

    1. If you had squirrels to watch, I'm not sure you would have had any peaches this year. The squirrels liked to go to our peach tree at our old house and take a bite out of each one just before it was ripe. It was very frustrating.

  4. That is some photo of the acrobatic squirrel. I loved it.

    1. No doubt about it. Squirrels are the acrobats of the animal world.


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