Monday, May 18, 2020

This and That

or The Post in Which I Remember the Strikethrough

Time for another check-in. In summary, the more things change, the more they remain the same. As some parts of Maryland are slowly opening up, the part I live in is in lockdown until the cows come home at least another couple of weeks. It makes sense because in some rural parts of the state there are only a few cases, while the metropolitan area where I live has the highest concentration of cases and deaths, as well as climbing numbers of new cases and hospitalizations. I'm okay with staying put and continuing to go crazy at home teleworking for a little while longer. While I really want to have more freedom, I want it without worry. And that's not going to happen for some time. 

So what have we been up to? We're adding some new shows to our usual TV watching of old reruns. Actually what I mean is that we've become obsessed interested in the show The Good Place. A friend recommended it and I was able to find the first two seasons in the library before it closed. While I wouldn't exactly call it binge watching, we went through the first two seasons rather quickly. We tried to go more slowly and savor the show, but there were just too many plot twists and turns to not keep going. And then all at once there were no more DVD's to watch and I was on a frantic methodical search to find season three. 

We finally signed up for Netflix where we watched season three and it won't cost us anything IF we remember to cancel before thirty days is up. Now we're facing the biggest problem of all inconvenience of not being able to watch season four until maybe November when the whole season will be released. We can see the last few episodes which are still available in reruns, but doing that without watching the beginning of the season would ruin everything be anticlimactic. I guess we will survive find some other fun things to watch. Any recommendations?

Until next time...

Note: A few things about The Good Place. The basic premise for the show is fairly simple in that there is either The Good Place or The Bad Place you go to when you die. There are complications to this with some mistaken identities that drive the plot for the series. However, while the premise of the show may be simple, the actual details are not. If you think you might be interested in the show, start from the beginning. If you pick it up in the middle, it will seem very stupid confusing. 

BTW, Blogger is driving me crazy bothersome. Somehow I got updated to a new version and I'm having problems inserting pictures into this post. Thus, no pictures this time.


  1. I too have been exploring new TV shows although there has been some upheaval with the husband cancelling some services and subscribing to others without notice! Ah! To be torn from something mid-season!

    Hopefully not til the cows come home, I agree.

    1. While I was in search, I signed up for Hulu, Peacock, Netflix, and NBC streaming. However, they are all with a one month free trial before we get charged. Better decided now if we want to keep any of them before we start a series or we might have some more upheaval here, also. :)

  2. Longmire is a good show on Netflix.

    Glad you and your family are well.

    Yvonne in WV

    1. I have heard of Longmire but never paid attention because we didn't have Netflix. I think we'll check it out.

      I hear a little news from WV about the corona virus situation. My hometown is doing okay, although there are a few cases around. How are you and your family and how is your area?

    2. Thankfully, I don't know anyone that has had the virus. WV has seen a lot less cases than surrounding states. I sure hope it stays that way as businesses reopen. Take care. ��

    3. I hope it stays that way, also. There are too many places that don't have easy access to a hospital.

  3. Oh, I love this crossed out version! Too funny! :D

    We are slowly opening up, even in my county and my city which is the hot spot! Our numbers are still increasing and not everyone is complying with the requirements to wear face coverings, keep social distancing, etc. I have my opinions about that, but, I shall keep them to myself. I, however, am not going out to the shops or the restaurants or the beaches for a long time to come!

    1. When I have been in the stores, there has been good compliance with the masks, but they certainly seem to find a lot of people to show on the news who are not following suit.

  4. We are hanging in there as well -- Northern Virginia suffers from too many cases and deaths as well, so we haven't started Phase I.
    LOVE The Good Place - I'm waiting for the 4th season as well. Right now I'm binge watching Scorpion and The Office. Both are satisfying my l-o-n-g days at home. :).

    1. Good to hear from you Sharon. I'm your neighbor, so to speak, across the river, so we're sort of in the same boat as far as this virus goes. The Good Place is nothing like anything I've seen before, but I guess both of us will just have to wait a little while longer to see the end.

  5. I know how you feel about the show. I’m waiting patiently for season 4 of The Handmaid’s Tale, but they can’t stop filming until the pandemic is over.

    1. At least the ending of The Good Place has been shot. As you mentioned, there are a lot of shows like the Handmaid's Tale that got shut down mid-production. You like to write. Maybe you could continue the tale as fan fiction.

  6. stranger Things (on Netflix). I like it. The Office. Parks and Rec. The 100. Bloodline.

    1. That's a good variety of show suggestions from thrillers to just plain fun. I'll have to try one of the more serious ones in the afternoon. I try not to watch too much intense TV before I go to bed. I find it's not good for my sleep.

  7. Cute post. I just saw the season finale of World On Fire by PBS .... what a cliffhanger. I told my husband I have to wait a year to find out what will happen and he said it will only be 10 months. (insert eye roll here)

    1. I had never heard of World on Fire, so I looked it up. It looks like a very good, but intense historical drama. I can imagine several cliff hangers. Fortunately (or unfortunately), there are other things to be distracted by while you are waiting.


What do you think?