Thursday, August 8, 2019


or Not

My blogging has been waxing and waning over the last couple of years--mostly waning. I'm going to make an attempt to change that if for not other reason than I like to say waxing. AlsoI'm going to make a conscious effort to not have anything of substance on this blog. I will leave others to comment about the tragedies of the world, both natural and man-made, even though they effect me deeply. I will also let someone else talk about the news and how it is not really news, but just noise that tells us how upset we should be about something.  In other words, I'm going to emulate the  Seinfeld Show which very proudly advertised that it was a show was about nothing.

I'm not sure that will make my blog any different than it was before. We will see. But I hope this is a place you can visit and not be reminded of the difficulties in your life and the world. Or at least I hope that is what it does for me.

Here is my non-news item for today.

A sunflower is one of many flowers that have a center with intersecting spirals that can be defined by a Fibonacci sequence.  This sunflower was planted by a bird with seed from our bird feeders.

Until next time...


  1. I join you in being a blog about nothing. I refuse to make mine about politics, news, or religion. I have strong feelings and opinions but they are mine and I don't want to get into a debate with anyone who is not part of my 3-d realm.
    I love peaceful blogs, and funny ones!

    1. I agree. I don't want to get into a serious debate with anyone I can't see in real life.

  2. I love sunflowers, I didn't know that about them☺

    1. Thanks for visiting, Natalia. If you look around there are a lot of Fibornacci sequences in nature like pine cones and leaf arrangements.

  3. Replies
    1. I agree. Sunflowers are certainly beautiful, showy flowers. Thanks for the visit, Rue.

  4. I love sunflowers. Your photo is BEAUTIFUL!

    1. It was a sunflower in the sun. That's a hard combination to beat.

  5. That is a lovely photo of a sunflower!

    1. All of the sunflowers are not so pretty now. The birds are enjoying the seeds that are forming and picking at them. But the birds are pretty in their own right.

  6. I understand as you can see my blogging has waned significantly. When I see how many go to my FB blog account and see how many has viewed I feel guilty. Yea, I've wanted to post things about whats in the "news" but I am not going near there. I love your sunflowers. I didn't know how they grew. Interesting... whenever you want to write..your loyal readers, like myself will always be here :)

    1. I don't do much on FB because I am not anonymous there even though I can control my "friends". There are a few that read here who know me personally, but not too many. I guess I just feel freer to write, when I'm writing to blog friends instead of FB friends. However, I know some people who use FB quite effectively as a blog of sorts and it sounds like you are one of them. Just remember to check in every once in a while on your blog so we know how you're doing.


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