Sunday, February 24, 2019

Thankful Sunday, February 24, 2019

I am thankful for squirrels.

Squirrels annoy me sometimes. They eat the expensive food that was meant for the birds and deplete the feeders quickly.

This was not our plan when we hung our bird feeders. So for much of the time, I am not really thankful for squirrels, I am stressed by them. However, in effort to not sweat the small stuff, I'm writing a thankful post about them to help me with an attitude adjustment.

Let's see. What is another way to look at this?
--We can afford to feed the squirrels and the birds. When the squirrels eat some of the sunflower seeds, they are not breaking the bank.
--They are cute and can put on quite a show with their acrobatics.
--They provide good entertainment when our cats stalk them through the windows.
--We enjoy the challenge of trying to outsmart them.
--They have to eat, too, especially during these cold winter months.

Squirrels really aren't so bad, I guess.  So for the squirrels who helped me remember to not sweat the small stuff, I am thankful


  1. It is just a good thing they are cute or they would be too easy to try and get rid of. They are persistent little critters who eat all the fruit my fruit trees produce. Of course since we have only had 5 apples actually form on 2 apple trees in the yard it is not like they are gorging.

    1. Since there are no leaves on the trees I forgot about squirrels ability to take just one bit out of every peach we had on our tree. Another reason to "love" them.

  2. I love squirrels so I am glad you are finding something positive to say about them. :) There used to be squirrels in my garden, but, now, I rarely see them in my neighborhood. Too many cats, I suppose.

    I love that last photo of the squirrel standing at the table to eat! It might be just me, but I see a "face" on his belly! Two "eyes" on the upper part and a mouth a bit lower down!

  3. Squirrels are pests, and they can be destructive, but I find myself laughing at their antics.

    1. I think you summed it up well. Squirrels are enjoyable to watch when you can forget about their destruction.

  4. Replies
    1. Another thing about squirrels. It's amazing how smart they are.


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