Sunday, October 28, 2018

Thankful Sunday, October 28, 2018

I am thankful for later sunrises.

This was at official sunrise time, 7:32 am, this morning. However, the first light was peaking from the clouds about 45 minutes before that.

It seems no matter what I do, most nights I fall asleep at approximately the same time.  But I wake up according to the sun. As soon as the first light creeps from the sky into our bedroom, I'm awake. That means in the summer when sunrise is 5:30 am or so, I'm sleep deprived. But this time of year when sunrise is an hour or two later, I get more sleep. That makes for a happier me and a better day for all of those around me. So for a later sunrise, I am thankful.


  1. I also sleep better when the days are shorter. A downside for me, though, is I feel more drowsy when I drive to work and it's dark out.

    1. Sleepy while driving is not good. I hope you have music, coffee, or something similar that helps with that.

  2. That is a beautiful picture of the sunrise skies! Our official sunrise time for today was 7:09 a.m. Considering I didn't go to bed until 4:30 a.m. and didn't fall asleep until just before 5:00 a.m., I am glad I don't wake up with the sunrise! LOL! One of these days, I am going to stay up all night and see if that will help to reset my internal clock!

    1. It was pretty cloudy during sunrise this morning which usually makes for prettier colors. We have a good view of sunrise from our house, but sunset is somewhat obscrued by trees. Therefore, I try to make sure I take a look at the sunrise in the morning.

      Some people just don't have good internal clocks and you may be one of them. However, most of us have habits that control our sleep more than our clocks. One of my sons would be the first one and I would be the second one.


What do you think?