Sunday, February 18, 2018

Thankful Sunday

I am thankful for my fig.

Soon, we will see things growing again outside, but we're not there yet. But we are there with a plant I have inside. I got a small fig plant late last summer from an acquaintance. Even though I was unfamiliar with growing figs, I was excited by the possibilities.  I transferred it from the yogurt container it was in into a bigger pot and promptly watched the two leaves it had fall off. I brought it inside for the winter with high hopes even though it looked dead. And I was not disappointed. Last week, seemingly out of nowhere, it showed signs of life with a small shoot and leaf. Wow, what a great surprise to see that tender, new growth.

So as I watch the snow and sleet fall outside, I am thankful for this little fig tree and the hope of things to come.


  1. As a black thumb person, I am amazed when people can raise indoor plants and they thrive, or bring them back from what appears to be their demise. My husband is the green thumb around here. Me, I prefer artificial plants.

    My husband says the crocuses are starting to make their appearance. I will have to go check that out!

    1. Our few indoor plants are sequestered in an extra bedroom to keep the cats out of them. Sometimes they suffer from out of sight, out of mind neglect. So even the plants you can't kill, don't look so hot under my care.

      You have your special early crocus every year. I planted some crocus bulbs last fall since I didn't see any come up the year before. I'll have to go check to see if any are poking their heads up.

  2. My neighbor has a fig tree, and gives me figs when there are enough, since I like them. I've thought I should try growing one. And now that you are giving it a shot, I think I will, but there are many varieties to choose from.

    1. I have no idea what kind of fig this is. I just know that it came from a tree that has been the acquaintance's family for a long time. I hear they don't like temperatures below 20F, but will come back. I look forward to following your trees growth. I'm not sure if mines going to live in a pot for a while, or get planted in the ground right away.

  3. I share in your excitement! I love plants that also grow food. Alas, I pretty much also have a black thumb with those. I'm lucky that my pineapple plants require pretty much no maintenance from me aside from the occasional watering if it doesn't rain.

    1. I gave up on the one pineapple that I had. After several years, I figured out with our weather it just wasn't going to get big enough to produce fruit. So, I left it outside and it froze this winter. However, I like watching your pineapple grow.

  4. How exciting to see the little fig plant grow! I hope it continues to grow and thrive.

    1. I did find it exciting to find that first leaf. I'm going to give it a go and see what happens.

  5. I am not a green thumb. I remember my Grandmother having fig trees and when we visit her she would send us out to pick them. I don't like them but Hubby loves fig preserves. Good job on not giving up hope :)

    1. Figs are so sweet that a few go a long way with me. If we ever get more than a few, I'll have to explore different ways to use them.


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