Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Second Look--March 2, 2016

Here are a few things I saw this week
during a Second Look.

Look what I found! I found one crocus pushing its way up through the ubiquitous oak leaves around our house. It's the only one so far, but I have seen other green leaves poking up elsewhere.

The snowdrops are full of blooms this week.

I hadn't had a chance to survey damage from a severe storm we had last week. Luckily, we didn't lose any big trees, but we did have several branches down as well as some broken fence sections. 

But the storm didn't bring down many balls from the sweet gum trees. It would be nice if the all of them dropped in a short period of time because now they require almost year round raking.  It's better to keep them raked because the balls are about the size of a ping-pong ball and can be hazardous to walk on.

White-breasted Nuthatch. If you look carefully, you can see the rusty patch under its tail.

Female bluebird. The numbers of bluebirds around the feeder and nest box are increasing. At one point this week, I saw at least of six of them at once. They appeared to be in pairs.


  1. Yay! You have a crocus! I think I'm jealous of your bluebirds ...

    1. We usually just see one pair of bluebirds, but we've seen more recently. Others are seeing more at their house also, so they must be returning. (Although some spend the winter.)

      According to a range map, you should see them in your area during the summer. Do you see any bluebirds usually?

    2. Occasionally. They aren't a frequent flyer (pun intended), though.

  2. Replies
    1. This time of year, spring can't come soon enough. However, it was cold and windy today and there is snow forecast for tomorrow. So, I guess we have to wait a little more.

  3. We had a windstorm also. Glad you lost no entire trees. The bluebird is beautiful.

    1. Bluebirds are beautiful birds and have a reputation of being sweet songbirds. However, you should see them defend their territory. They can hold their own with most birds.

  4. Oh wow! Flowers already! It's been getting warmer here but no buds yet.

    1. Hopefully, you'll be surprised soon with some buds. It seems like one day there are none and then there they are. I always find the first ones of the spring especially exciting.

  5. Yay! you have flowers! I think I get more excited about that first flower than I do all the rest combined. Enjoy that crocus!

    1. I just love crocuses with their bright colors, but mostly, because they say spring to me. In a few weeks, maybe I'll catch up to what you have with your flowers. :)

    2. You will catch up and surpass our flowers! It happens that way every year. The PNW may get some of the earlier blooms, but your area really bursts into spring in a big and showy way.

    3. Half a dozen of one, six of another. It's all good. :)


What do you think?