Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Second Look--September 1, 2015

This week's Second Look is a day early as well as being shorter than usual because I will be traveling tomorrow. So without further ado,

Here are some things I saw this week 
during a Second Look.

Day Lily

Turkey Vulture tail feather. I see various feathers around the yard, but this one got a second look because it was so big. After a bit of investigation, I concluded that it came from a turkey vulture.


Mr. and Mrs. Goldfinch

Milkweed tussock caterpillars. This milkweed plant didn't have a chance with all of these caterpillars feasting on it. The next day it was nothing more than a leafless, shortened stem.

There's plenty of good stuff for the cows to graze on this time of year.


  1. Thank you again for the lily picture! The caterpillar/milkweed photo was outstanding!

  2. Oh My, I haven't ever seen so many caterpillars on one plant before. I was just thinking how there were no monarchs here this year. Being my first summer in this geographic location I don't know if that is unusual or not. I sure miss them.


What do you think?