Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thankful Sunday--March 1, 2015

I am thankful Spring is only 20 days away.

A sign of Spring in years past.

No signs of Spring yet except on the calendar, but it never fails to show up. And for that I am thankful (and hopeful).


  1. I was gonna be really jealous if you were getting crocuses (is that the right way to make that plural?) already. Wishing out winter would start to moderate so we could get milder temperatures and melt some of this snow. Tonight is the last Downton Abbey--in my mind, that means it's time for the weather to get milder ...

    1. I have never seen Downton Abbey although I think I would like it from what I hear. But now, I feel like it's too late to start. Maybe I'll catch it in reruns.

    2. From comments you've made about books, I do think you would like it. I started watching it last year. I checked the older seasons out on DVD from our library but I now own them as my hubby has gifted me with them. :)

    3. We do have them in the library, but I don't know if I could manage to watch an entire season in one week. However, maybe the next time, I see season one in, I'll check it out.

  2. Just hang in there! It's coming! I seem to remember a year in recent history when you had an explosion of spring, all at once.

    1. An explosion. That kind of defines spring, doesn't it? As soon as the snow melts maybe we'll see the crocuses have been there all along.

  3. Replies
    1. You and me both. Freezing rain yesterday with snow coming tonight. :(


What do you think?