Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thankful Sunday--February 7, 2015

I am thankful for my alarm clock.

Leo wakes us up every morning. However, he's not so happy when we wake him up.

We learned years ago that if we want a decent night's sleep, we have to banish the cats to the basement for the night. We have a cat door in our basement door, and we lock it at night so they can't get out. That works well except for one of our cats--Leo. He has learned to outsmart the lock and get out while still leaving it locked to the rest of the cats. So Leo spends the night where ever he wants which is usually on the couch in the den. However at 6:48 AM every morning, he walks all over us with loud meows which promptly wakes us up. And luckily, that's about the time we want to get up anyway. Sometimes with the late sunrises this time of year, we have the tendency to oversleep. But not with Leo, our feline alarm clock. We don't use any other kind. For Leo's wake up call every morning, I am thankful.


  1. 6:48 every morning? That's quite a precise fe-lion you've got there!

    When I was a kid I had an early morning paper route, so I had to get up around 4am. As the first one up, I always fed the cats. Well, one of our cats, Victor, decided that it was his job to ensure that I wasn't tardy, and every morning I'd awaken to Victor planted in the middle of my chest copiously licking my face. It was all very cute and adorable... BUT, Victor didn't do snooze buttons. If I didn't get up relatively quickly he'd position one tooth on the outside of a nostril, one on the inside, and bite down REALLY hard! That generally brought me out of my stupor all right, but it wasn't the most pleasant way to greet the day.

    1. There is a little variation in Leo's arrival, but not much. A nostril bite. Ouch! I had a friend whose cat peed on him if he didn't get up soon enough. I have to say, cats know how to get what they want.

  2. My parents had a small TV in their room, on what seemed like a rickety stand. At 5 AM every morning, one of the cats would jump up on top of the TV, and shake that thing until my mom would get up and feed her. The rattling made such a racket that no one could sleep while the cat was shaking it.

    1. Our cat, Lucky, chews on the blinds if we don't respond fast enough to his demands. Yes, we are totally under our cat's control. I'm glad we were able to be a little more disciplined with our kids. :)

  3. Cats do have the most innate sense of time. It really is amazing. Our aim for about 5 AM with the exception of one who thinks we should let him outdoors at 3 AM and back in the house at 5.

    1. I'm not sure how that works, but dogs seem to have a good sense of time also.

  4. It's funny to read everyone's comments! My hubby installed a screen door at the base of our basement stairs to keep our cat out (we also have a pocket door by the kitchen but he learned that it bangs if he taps on it, waking us up--hence, the screen door ... although he CAN leap over the darn thing if he really wants to. He also sends out a "test" meow in the morning to see if we are up, but his volume gets a lot louder if he is sure we are up!).

    Is it the angle of the picture, or are Leo's paws really big???

    1. Leo has regular size paws. It's just the perspective of the picture that makes it look that big. Years ago, I did a series of adventures with Lucy--Big Paw, as I called her, after I took a picture where her paw looked disproportionally big like Leo's in this picture. I had fun playing with that idea. I wish I could find that work now.

  5. I think I am glad I don't have a cat to wake me every morning, instead I have a chatty happy in the morning type husband who pokes me in the ribs every morning and asks if I am awake. And every morning my answer is the same "I wasn't until you poked me"

    1. I too have a husband that wakes up happy while I just want to walk around like a zombie for a while. He has learned to leave me alone first thing in the morning or it's not always pretty.


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