Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Second Look--May 7, 2014

Spring is in full force now. The plants and animals have emerged from their winter hibernation and are now growing excitedly in the sunshine. Or maybe I should say that I am watching excitedly as spring emerges in the warm sunshine. Can you tell that today was a perfect day? Warm sunshine, blooming trees, and flitting birds. Who could ask for anything more?

Here's are some things I saw this week during a Second Look.

The last kind of daffodil is blooming. This one has two small blooms on the end of one stem. The earlier blooming daffodils are fading.

Three blue jays have been fighting over one of the suet feeders. This is right outside the cats' favorite window so they are quite excited these days.

The dogwoods are in full bloom now.

The bluebirds have added another egg to the nest.

Pansies that were planted last fall are in full bloom now.

The sparrows are back.

One kind of our wild cherries is blooming.

The trees seem to be leafing out overnight. In this picture you can see maple, dogwood, sweet gum, and pine.


  1. You are in the golden part of spring. :) We are supposed to warm up during the next few days, so hopefully all the trees and flowers will start to pop. This year the wrens abandoned nesting on my wreath, but ... we have a robin's nest on it instead! It will be fun to watch.

    1. I love watching bird nests. I'm sure you will have a good time watching your baby robins.

  2. It looks like spring came all at once for you! We have one lone daffodil left in the yard and strange but it's about 2 feet away from an iris about to bloom. Those two are usually 6 weeks apart.

    1. Ooh, the iris will be blooming in a few weeks here. They are so pretty and like the daffodils, the deer usually leave them alone. I wish they'd develop a kind that would last all summer.

  3. What a lovely day! As ever I'm drawn to the birds - what gorgeous bluebird eggs.

    1. I don't think the bluebird has started to sit on them yet, but it should be soon. She doesn't start sitting until they are all laid so they will hatch at the same time. The other years, there have been five eggs each time.


What do you think?