Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Second Look--February 6, 2013

Here's What I Saw This Week During a Second Look


Hairy Woodpecker--The downy woodpecker, that was on this suet, left when this hairy woodpecker showed up.

This was only half of the group of deer that were grazing in the yard.

Tufted titmouse--tuft up

Tufted titmouse--tuft down

Male cardinal


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. When it's really cold, like this week, most of my pictures come from taking pictures from inside through the window to the feeder. Hard to tell how clear they would be if I cleaned the windows.

  2. Does the spotting of the cardinal mean a sign of early spring, I know robins do? Pictures are lovely as usual, thanks.

    1. Cardinals are here all year round. Their colorful red is a welcome sight in the dull colors of winter.

  3. Lovely birds; we would never get any kind of woodpecker on our birdfeeder. It's house sparrows, blue tits and great tits here all the way!

    1. I just looked up blue tits and great tits and we don't have them here. Although, we do have many different kinds of sparrows. I also looked up hairy and downy woodpeckers and it looks like you don't have them there. I find all of this so interesting.

    2. We only have three types of woodpecker, green woodpeckers are the most common; heard more often than seen with a distinctive 'yaffle'. We also have greater spotted and the least common is the lesser spotted. Can't remember when I last saw either of the spotteds.

    3. Now, I've looked up the three kinds of woodpeckers you have. The greater and lesser spotted ones, look similar to the ones I see in my backyard. The green one looks similar except it looks like someone painted its back green.


What do you think?