Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Second Look--February 13, 2013

Today the temperature was in the 50's, but there have been plenty of colder days and we may have snow tomorrow. However, I found that a few of the daffodils have actually shot up buds with their leaves. I was surprised, but I saw them in two different places. But I also saw daffodil leaves with frost damage and no buds.  The promise of spring is always a confusing time for all involved.

I found some more bones in the lower part of my yard. I'm starting to be fascinated by the colony of animals that may be down there. However, I'm going have to take some classes if I want to have any hope of getting true ID's on what I find. However, in the meantime, I am going to entertain myself with my guesses.

Here is what I saw this week during a Second Look.

The snowdrops should be blooming soon.

I think it will be a while before this daffodil actually blooms.

Red breasted nuthatch

A skunk(?) has been digging for grubs.

I think the squirrels are enjoying our bumper crop of walnuts this year.

Bird jawbone

I am totally confused by the two rows of teeth on this skull. Apparently some canines don't lose their baby teeth like they're supposed to and end up with two rows of teeth after the adult ones come in. I don't know if that is what happen here or not.

I wondered what had happened to this.


  1. That skull is so interesting. I used to teach a prac where we looked at skeletons and skulls of all different animals, but I don't remember seeing one with two rows of teeth like that.

    1. I was wondering if you could help with your biology training. I looked at several biology labs on line and couldn't find anything similar.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looks like spring might be tentatively on its way...

    1. It's trying. My snowdrops aren't as far along as yours are, but the next warm day, I think they'll be out in full force.

  4. That skull is interesting I've never seen anything like it before. You sure do have a lot going on in your backyard.

    1. I'm going to do some more research on the skull to see what I can figure out. I hope I can talk to the naturalist at a local park to see what they can tell me.


What do you think?