Saturday, June 2, 2012


Some of us learn by doing. Some of us learn by watching, and some of us never learn. This is as true for cats as it is for humans. Case in point. I leave kibble in a cup for the cats when they are begging for food, but it's not quite time for them to eat. First, it keeps them quiet. (and yes, I know that that's a bad precedent) and two, it's an enrichment activity for them as they manipulate the kibble to get it out.

Lucy watching Annie effortlessly get kibble from the cup.

We'll start with Annie. She instantly understood that her head was too big to eat from the cup, so she tried putting her paw in the cup. She was able to drag out pieces to eat. 
Learns by doing

Lucky getting a snack.

Next we have Lucky. He wasn't quite sure what to do with the cup, but after watching Annie, he too put his paw in and drug out food to eat. Learns by watching

Lucy investigates the cup after Annie and Lucky leave.

Then we have Lucy.  Like Lucky she wasn't quite sure how to get the food out of the cup. 

Lucy gets her head stuck in the cup.

But after watching Annie and Lucky drag pieces out with their paws, Lucy still uses her unsuccessful head-in-the-cup method.  Never learns.

Now it may seem as if I am picking on Lucy, but I'm just being observant. If it will make you feel better, I will divulge something I have never learned. Right from left. But that's another story.


  1. I love this idea. I'm going to start using it today. I have 3 cats too, and one of them is terrible for begging for food well before it's time to be fed.

    This same cat is also one who never seems to learn. About 8-12 months ago I started separating them when I fed them wet food because one would steal it from the others. I left one on the kitchen floor, put one on top of a large scratching post/cat condo thing, and the other on top of a tall cabinet (that the cats love to lay on). The cat with the food on the scratching post had to be showed twice and now as soon as the wet food plates come out, she jumps right up there to wait.

    But my poor Muffin... I show her the food and set it up on the cabinet while she watches, but then she meows sadly and wanders around the kitchen, comes to my feet and meows, sniffs the floor where I used to set it and meows some more, until I set her up there. After nearly a year she will finally find it up there maybe a quarter of the time. But usually as soon as it's out of her sight, it just ceases to exist for her.

    1. I actually have four cats and trying to manage their food is almost a full time job. One is on special food, one is overweight, and they all want whatever kind of food they can't have. But they do provide a lot of entertainment as they play their food games.


What do you think?