Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thankful Sunday--August 25, 2013

I am thankful for my sisters.

I am very lucky to have three sisters. Who else can I say pea sheller or Mrs. Schoolcraft to and get a knowing nod and a smile? Thanks to Mother and Daddy for giving me the gift of these sisters.

(In case you're wondering, I have no brothers.)


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, they are. I talk to at least one of them everyday.

  2. Sisters rock! I only have one, and we are 7 years apart but we were always close, even when we were kids.

    1. I just spent the afternoon with one of mine working on a project. It's nice to know that they can always be depended on. I'm glad that you have a close relationship with your sister. Seven years is a pretty big spacing especially when you are kids.

  3. My sister and I have gotten closer as we've gotten older. When she visited recently we spent every hour together for four days (since my place is so small). There's not many people I could handle for that amount of time with no break, but we managed it well :)

  4. We are all very close and we have worked very well together as we deal with the many issues of aging and sick parents. I realize that doesn't always happen.

    And as close as I am to my sisters, I'm not sure about spending every minute together in a small space for four days. I'm glad that you and your sister managed well.

  5. I love my sister dearly too. Shared history and a lot of shared interests make it a very easy relationship. You're lucky to have three that you get on with so well.

    1. We are each others best friends. I'm glad you have a sister to share things with.

  6. I have one sister. She lives far away, and I only get to see her every once in a while. Thankfully there are phones, and free long distance, so we can keep in touch that way. I do wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a household full of girls.


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