Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

 "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill towards men."
"...And that's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown." 


  1. Peace and good will and a Merry Christmas to you too! After Lili mentioned the Charlie Brown tree I found the clip on Youtube, as I had a suspicion that our Christmas tree in a pot, (bought three or four years ago and not thriving well, but we brought it in anyway) is Charlie Brown-ish, and it definitely is!

    1. Charlie Brown trees are getting more popular and you can buy some pretty good replicas mail order. The one in the picture is one we made from a branch in our yard. Do you think you can revive your tree in a pot?

    2. Gosh, maybe I'll be able to export our tree to the US next year for lots of money, as a large replica (imagine a whole tree that looks like your branch)!! Charlie Brown isn't so big over here - I tried to get the DVD for the kids for Xmas, but to my untechnological eye it looked as if it wasn't available for a UK DVD player. We've tried various revival techniques, such as a larger pot, some feed, but I think it really needs to be planted. We haven't got the room in our small garden, but one day plan to do some guerilla tree planting!


What do you think?